Ever The Hunted – Erin Summerill (Review) + Buddy Read with Jasmine @ Howusefulitis

Title: Ever The Hunted (Clash of Kingdoms #1)
Author: Erin Summerill
Publisher: Harcourt Childrens Book, 2016 (Dec 27)
Genre: YA Fantasy

**I received a copy of this book free from Netgalley and the publisher in exchange for an honest review**

This review can be found on my BlogTeacherofYA’s Tumblr, or my Goodreads page

My Review:

This is not a traditional review in the sense that this was my first buddy read ever! I joined up with Jasmine @ Howusefulitis and we read rhe book at the same time, then we each came up with a set of questions. 

But first, the blurb, as usual…gotta stick with the traditional format at first, lol!

Britta Flannery’s father has been murdered. He was the legendary bounty hunter for the king of Malam. When he was around, Britta was protected…since her mother was Shaerdanian (from a neighboring country that Malam distrusts) and some Shaerdanians practice the art of Channeling, a magic forbidden in Malam. She sits in her house, practically starving during the two month required mourning period. When the two months are over, and no neighbors brought food (since now her father is gone and she is considered an outcast without his protection), she needs to poach in the King’s Ever Woods, or she will starve to death.

When Britta is caught, she is taken in to face Lord Jamis, the right hand man to King Aodren. He makes a deal: Britta is a well-trained tracker, and if she can track her father’s killer, she will own the title to her father’s land and go free. Britta can hardly believe she will be let go…until Lord Jamis reveals that her father’s killer is Cohen McKay. 

Cohen McKay, the boy she’s loved since she met him as an apprentice to her father. Cohen McKay, the boy who left Britta alone after her father’s death, and her declaration of her feelings. Cohen McKay, the boy she kissed before he disappeared.

Britta is shown evidence that cannot be disputed. So she agrees. She’ll catch her father’s killer and tamp down her feelings for Cohen. But when she finds Cohen, things get complicated…fast.

Can she believe Cohen when he protests his innocence? Who does she believe? And if for some reason she believes him, then who killed her father? 
NOW IT’S TIME FOR BUDDY READ QUESTIONS!! (See Jasmine’s post for my answers/her answers to MY questions)

Jasmine’s Review for Ever The Hunted

Jasmine’s questions:

  • Why did you request a copy of this ARC?

Jasmine: I requested it because I see a few bloggers talked about being excited to read this book. 

Me: Because the description sounded like something I would like and the cover…gasp! The cover is so beautiful and I am a major coverwhore! #coverlove all day long! 

  • What do you love most about the story?

Jasmine: I love that the characters discuss their strategies before taking on a new challenge. 

Me: I loved Britta’s connection to her emotions. Most girls are so “strong” in a book that they refuse to love someone or try to push away their feelings. Though it hurts Britta to think that Cohen doesn’t love her, since he disappeared, she doesn’t deny how he makes her feel and I think that is super-realistic. She falls for every move and every “mistake,” and though she insists she won’t again, she always does. Reminds me of me. Also, I liked the plot including magic: the Channelers were a cool addition and it wouldn’t be true fantasy without some magic, right?

  • Are you excited to read book 2? 

Jasmine: No. I don’t think I want to read it.

Me: Honestly, when have I not been excited to read book 2? I still will read Stealing Snow‘s sequel because I read sequels. It may not have been the greatest book in the world, but I would def read book 2. I gotta see what happens next, especially since the cliffhanger ended on a weird note that hints at some love triangle stuff going on, and I hope that’s not the case! I am ready to read it now, Summerill!

Is It Classroom Appropriate?

I’d say so. It’s got elements of fantasy, an adventure, and a mystery. Boys may not like the constant worry Britta feels over Cohen’s feelings…so I’d say it’s aimed more towards a female market. It could be used, but I’m not seeing any educational value in using this book besides giving the students a wilderness adventure to read with strong male and female characters. I think this would work better as an outside the classroom read. Especially since the story is not a standalone, though it doesn’t end on such a cliffhanger that it can’t be read by itself (which is always a good quality in series novels). 

Age Range:

As an ARC, this book won’t be on Lexile.com yet, so I didn’t even look. But I would suggest ages 12 and up would be all right. There’s no swearing and no sex…nothing reallly objectionable here. I’d feel comfortable letting my 12 year old niece read it if she liked this kind of fantasy (but she’s too busy reading Peregrine books to care about my suggestions, lol). 

End Result:

Giving this book ★★★★☆. I think it’s a decent read, it’s fun, and it makes me want to continue the series. I know Jas wasn’t as excited about it, but I’m easy to please. I like a Britta and think she’s strong while still being not hardened, and I love Cohen (possibly my new book bf because he is muy caliente! Those eyes, that hair, that sexy scar…sigh.) Though I don’t think everyone will love it (hence Jasmine’s dislike), I think enough people will enjoy it. 

I feel four stars is about right to say how I feel. I love the cover and would love to own a copy. It’s so pretty. And I think many more adventures are coming our way. So I’m eager to see what happens next. 

And here’s the key until I can make it bigger…someone want to help me with this? I am so stuck…as you can see on the sidebar, the font is too tiny and I don’t know how to size things when I make them (500×500? Bigger? Smaller?). Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Any of you got this on your TBR? Or any of you eager to read this when it comes out? Or maybe you already read it and think my opinion ia crap? Let me know! You know I love to hear from you!

Do you want to do a Buddy Read? I’m game! School is out and I’m ready to read! 

Happy Reading, y’all! 

*Oh, almost forgot…just won on Twitter a SIGNED COPY of Truthwitch! Yay!! I love Twitter giveaways! 

So beautiful! Coverlovin this one! 

60 thoughts on “Ever The Hunted – Erin Summerill (Review) + Buddy Read with Jasmine @ Howusefulitis

  1. Congrats on your win! Excellent review!! I like your summary of the book and then how you leave it hanging there whether Cohen is the murderer or not. I like your quotes from the book made by the book. Your organization of this review is great too!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, darling book buddy!
      I loved your review and the graphics you used to divide up the sections! I’m a little limited when I post because I don’t have font options or size fonts when I post on my iPad. It’s all just pretty much type, bold, italic, and pictures. So I try to make do, lol!
      Loved your post and this was fun! Let’s do it again soon now that I know how!! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t have font size even use computer. And font color, Megan taught me how since I couldn’t figure out haha. It’s that icon you have to click and it exposes more functions. I can see it on my iPhone. You have to use the web browser rather than the app to type up your post. That icon with 2 rectangle shape, one skinny and one fat. Try it or click on all the icon and it will expand more if you can’t find what I’m describing. Also the ribbon is just a line gif i google image search it. You can do it too on iPad.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Wow! Thanks!
        I tried to save your line gif to use in my post, but the app wasn’t having it. I think I’ll have to do more posting in my browser. Which sucks because the app is kind of convenient.
        But thanks for all the tips! The more I know, the more I can do! You ARE a useful girl, lol!

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Ahh! That makes sense!
      You know, I never really wanted a laptop or a comp when I had them: I wanted a tablet. Now that I have the tablet, I’m kinda wishing I had a laptop again! I might as well sell or donate mine bc it’s so old!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Ever the Hunted – Buddy Read with Stephanie at TeacherofYA – How Useful It Is

    1. Well, I still liked it and enjoyed the read…it’s not my fave, but either are some other books I enjoyed reading. You know how a four star read can still be a pleasant book!
      And that cover! I’d own it just for the cover! Honestly!
      I hope you like it…I think you will!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Great review for this book Stephanie, and I loved your unique way of reviewing this book with a Q&A with you and Jas as well. This sounds like an interesting book, it’s been on my radar for awhile mainly because of that cover, but the blurb caught my attention and, well, the fact that you rated it four stars is a great excuse for me to pick it up! 😀
    Congrats on your giveaway as well. Truthwitch is still on my to-read list but I really hope you enjoy it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hadn’t been too into Truthwitch but I love the Twitter giveaways and felt like I could really like it if I gave it a try! I was so shocked that I won! Loving the RT giveaways because there are so many of them!
      I’m thinking you will like this one. So reminds me of Kiss of Deception and I know you haven’t read that, but I know you will and will love it too! It’s a pretty good book. Nothing super-amazing like ACOTAR but pretty good. Jas only gave it a 3.5: she wasn’t a big fan.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s a shame about Truthwitch but at least the Twitter giveaways are fun to take part in, and it seems like you get a fair few books from them as well!
        Kiss of Deception is still on my to-read list but I know you loved that one so I’m thinking I may as well! 😀 Well I think ACOTAR is going to be a hard book to beat but this one still sounds good! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I have to admit I’m a little more hesitant on reading this after having read Jasmine’s review. I’m still not all that sure if I’m going to pass or not. It’s on my TBR but definitely not top. The premise really does sound interesting though. Either way great review, Stephanie! Also, I love how you guys did questions. I liked reading the answers. 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! Yeah, Jas did not like it. I thought it was a decent read…I am curious to what happens next. The most annoying part of the book was the girl thinking, “Does he love me, cause I’m not sure…no, he doesn’t love me…wait, does that mean he loves me?” Ugh. That’s got old quick.
      But I’m a book softie…and as long as it keeps me entertained then I’m good. Lol. 😂👍

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You’re welcome!!
        That whole back and forth with the love interest, does he love me or not, sounds really frustrating. Not sure if I would like that at all. But I get what you mean about being easily pleased by books. I’m usually the same way. 😂🙈

        Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m really easy to please too. It makes me worried that some might start to find my recommendations bad but unless a book is problematic, has a love triangle, instalove, or I just can’t connect then I enjoy it. I’m picky with certain things but for the most part I just like reading. 😂

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Me too!
      I love that we are alike in this way. I worry about my recs too but I can’t bring down my rating bc I like the book on some level. When we are true to ourselves when it comes to books, then people will figure out that we are a little less harsh…and I think people respect that in reviewers. Really I do. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s exactly how I feel! There are times when I start to feel like maybe I rate a bit cautiously because I rarely touch a rating bellow three stars (and sometimes bellow four), but if I liked it then I feel bad rating it as less just because someone else might not feel the same. That’s true! I think so too. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a cute book, but nothing I would say you HAVE to read, you know?
      Thank you! Jasmine wanted to do a buddy read for forever, and I kept being unable to because of school. Now that school is out, I had some free time, so we finally did it!
      But I think there are others out there that are stellar compared to this one, which was good, just not great. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Yeah, I never have time to do it really, but it turns out all it consists of is happening to read the same book at the same time! It was super easy!
      And it was fun to talk about the book with someone who was going through the same stuff, you know?

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You’ve got a fiend in me…ooops! I meant “friend.” Remember the Toy Story song?
      I’ll buddy read with you anytime! All it really consists of is happening to read the same book @ the same time!! 😉


    1. I’m not surprised…a lot of ppl did. I kinda did too, but my lowest is usually three stars, and it wasn’t that bad, so four is like my medium. I know it seems off kilter, but anything lower than that feels like it should be reserved for error-riddled garbage!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on your win, and I hope you enjoy Truthwitch! I didn’t manage to finish that one bc the beginning was sooo slow and I just couldn’t get into it.

    And I think yours must be the first really positive review of Ever the Hunted that I’ve seen! All the ones I’ve read are pretty negative, haha. I’m intrigued, but I’m also not sure if it offers “anything new” to the YA fantasy genre. :/

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ll tell you right now: it doesn’t.
      But I did like the development and I did like the ideas…I just couldn’t make it lower. I mean, I gave Stealing Snow three stars, and to me that one sucked.
      I posted my ratings on my blog now so ppl would know how I rate better, but I think I’m going to have to get harsher. I think four stars is my “meh” and three is my “nope.” Two and one I have usually reserved for books so terrible that they area waste of paper. Lol. 😂🤣😂
      So I wouldn’t put this one too high on the TBR, but you won’t hate it. It’s not bad, but it’s not wonderful either. (And the author is super nice and she’s friends with me on Twitter and I feel bad knocking her book too much tbh, but it really was readable and I am easy to please like nobody else).


  6. Jacquie (Rattle the Stars)

    That’s awesome! Congrats on your Twitter win. It’s always a great feeling. 🙂

    I really enjoyed this book. Lots of the reviews I’ve seen have been quite mixed. I adored Cohen as well *sigh* Everything about him was sooooo appealing. The ending was’t what I was expecting. I’m kind of nervous of what will happen in the sequel, but I’m looking forward to its release. Thanks for the review. I don’t think I’ve seen it in a format like this and I enjoyed how it was different.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      I’m so glad you liked it, too. There are a LOT of one star and two star reviews. I didn’t think it was the be all end all, but I quite enjoyed it! And I’m looking forward to the sequel! I think people are getting way too picky on YA books lately because there are so many good or highly hyped ones. I think the hype keeps most people from actually enjoying the book! I’m starting to think if people didn’t get advanced copies and just waited until the book came out, and went in blindly, the reviews would be higher. Cause honestly, this book (I don’t think) doesn’t deserve all the low ratings.
      Glad you liked my review format! 😊😊😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jacquie (Rattle the Stars)

        I totally know what you mean about the hype factor. I’ve gone into many many books this year beyond excited only to be left disappointed. I hope that people who pick it up this week fall in love with it. I think the series is only going to get better and better. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      1. Jacquie (Rattle the Stars)

        That’s super awesome! 😀

        She’s such a wonderful person. She personally ensured that I was sent an ARC and checked up to see that I received it.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Wow! That’s awesome! She is a great lady. I love seeing her success.
      There are some good hearted authors out there, and those are the ones I am genuinely happy for. She is one of the top ones, and then AG Howard, who always responds to my tweets, Suzanne Young, Mary E Pearson, and Stephanie Garber. They are all so sweet and I wish I could meet them all!
      Oh, and Melinda Salisbury. She’s a sweetheart too!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Jacquie (Rattle the Stars)

        I really NEED to read books by AG Howard and Mary E Pearson! I see their books everywhere but have yet to actually pick them up. We are so lucky with Twitter and how it allows us to directly communicate with them. I’ve had wonderful interactions with Julia Ember, Audrey Greathouse and Kat Ross. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    3. Oh, Audrey Greathouse! Didn’t she write a Neverland story? The Neverland Wars? Bc if she did, I loved that!
      Yes, I love interacting with them and feel like they are more accessible now! We live in an amazing age.
      I def recommend Kiss of Deception. AG Howard, I think, is amazing, but some ppl don’t like her books. But you can’t go wrong with a Pearson novel, in my opinion!
      Are the authors you interact with some of your faves?


      1. Jacquie (Rattle the Stars)

        YES! That’s her. The sequel is coming out soon and I’m really looking forward to that. 🙂 And yes, they are some of my faves. I discovered their books this year and just can’t get enough.
        I know where I’m spending my Christmas money…Kiss of Deception sounds like I’ll really love it.

        Liked by 1 person

    4. Yeah, right after you said that I flew over to Netgalley, even though I have been avoiding it bc I have enough books! I think that’s awesome of her…she’s really nice and I started following her when you reminded me of the book. I’m going to keep my eyes peeled and I look forward to your review!


  7. Megan @ bookslayerReads

    Gosh, I have been anxiously awaiting this book forever and still haven’t gotten around to reading it yet! This review and rating makes me sooo freakin’ happy though!! I’ve gotta get to this one soon. Lovely review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m glad you liked the review! Though I will say that I seem to be in the minority on this one. But it’s also my kind of book. I love books with quests, magic, and crazy romance! They’re just my thing.
      I eagerly await to see what you think of it. I know your opinion will def be unbiased! 😊😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Megan @ bookslayerReads

        Quests and magic is my kinda thing too! I love it! So hopefully I’ll be in the same category as you, and really enjoy it! Plus the cover is beautiful, I think.

        Liked by 1 person

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