I Can’t Believe This…

You now might be able to see why I am falling behind on doing tags and responding…


Though my page says I have more followers than this, it counts my FB followers and my Twitter followers, so the number on the page is a little higher. And this is all thanks to you, you guys that like my reviews or my fun posts or my wacky comments. It takes me longer now to respond and read everyone’s stuff (I have a never-ending email total of 121 right now, and that takes me some time to get through. But if you make the time to read my posts, it’s my pleasure to read yours. So I may not have as much time to do memes or awards…but that doesn’t mean I don’t like being tagged. And I definitely enjoy reading yours). 😊

I love you guys. I really do: thank you for helping make this happen! You guys are the best blog friends a girl could have! 

Now I have to go get ready to see a version of Henry IV part I at my local town’s playhouse: I get extra credit for two classes if I attend. But I wanted to take a moment and celebrate, and thank all my peeps that comment on every post, like my inane book ramblings, and follow me as I explore the world of YA lit…and break it down for a classroom or younger audience. You know who you are….THANK YOU. 

And here’s the real me so y’all can know who I really am behind the GIFs and book images:

Keep on reading. I’ll be here to read with you. 🤓

🤓 Oh, and here’s my updated #readthemallthon badge, thanks to Aimal:

78 thoughts on “I Can’t Believe This…

  1. Woops woops, that’ll be 100 x 100 in no time!!! 😀
    Hope you enjoyed the play and good luck with clearing out the inbox 😂 hahaha, I know how that feels, the hundreds of emails waiting to be opened…
    And you’re pretty 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww…thank you, my lovely girl! What a sweet thing to say! 😊
      I know…I dread rhe day where I can’t make the emails go away…every time I check 20, 30 more appear! I’m DOOMED!! 😩😩😩
      At least someone knows what it’s like!

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    1. Yeah, the bottom of the page says something like 336 or whatever…but for TRUE followers, this is awesome. I feel special! Lol.
      I wish they did it like Tumblr did though and post it on your timeline: I had to screenshot it and then crop it to display it.
      I like having followers, but I can’t imagine those that have thousands…how can you keep it under control AND read??

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      1. Wow 336 is pretty impressive as well, but I guess 100 is your first major WordPress achievement isn’t it? It’s always great to see that notification for the first time!
        Yeah that would be nice, I’ve screen-shotted some of my achievements, but haven’t posted any. I will when I make it to my one year blogiversary! 😀
        I guess it’s all about time management, something I need to work on myself a little I’ll admit.

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      1. I wouldn’t say I was great at it either. I tend to procrastinate and put things off so I never leave myself with enough time in the day to do anything!
        Well yeah, doesn’t take long to post some things does it, I like the posts that don’t take as long to draft! 😀

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    2. Oh, my day is so taken up with emails and reading and random stuff (feed the dogs, maybe myself), but I want to do the tags because they are so easy…but I talk myself out of it and say: “Oh, tomorrow I am DEF going to do that tag,” or “I’m going to just spend Sat doing just tags.”
      It never happens. And I’m falling behind on my fast reading because I have homework for other classes: by Tues I need a final draft of my “autobiargument” paper, where I discuss and persuade about my decision to teach. And I have so much reading! For class! It’s like, “how dare you assign me books I don’t want to read? Don’t you know this takes up my precious TIME??”

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      1. Most of my days are filled with work, and then with reading on the train home from work. My evenings and weekends are the only time I have free for blogging but I make it work! 🙂
        I guess after a while you’ll get the hang of managing homework and blogging, it does take a little adjustment but in the end you’ll find something that works for you. I’m trying a new schedule of when I write posts which will hopefully free up a little time in the evenings to focus on reviews a little more!
        I know the feeling though, we need more time to actually read than homework/work gives us! 😀

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    1. Thank you, doll! Love you too! I’ll be reading yours forever too!
      I started falling asleep during the play! Lol! And I was in the front row! It was embarrassing…don’t ever see King plays: they aren’t like the cool Shakespeare ones!


  2. Congrats, Stephanie! That’s awesome! I remember when I hit 100 followers I was like wow, people are reading my blog and it’s so cool when you get that notification for the first time. I’m not at all surprised. Your reviews and posts are great and you’re super active in the community. Now go spend some time with that cute boy you told me about. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Jillian!
      Your blog is so amazing…I use you as my blog mentor!
      I wish I could spend time with him…my car needs brakes so it’s all messaging right now…but it’s nice after a year of nothing, you know? (And he’s so cute!)
      Your reviews are what i use to model mine: you are the true blog queen. I bow before your awesomeness! ::bows::

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are my one of my favorite, too, Jillian. You, Jasmine, and Beth…oh, and Megan and Alex because they are both so sweet they give me toothaches.
        And EC, but we go back to Goodreads. You guys are my crew!!
        Oh, and I can’t forget Lauren and Aimal. They both are awesome and I get confused because of the flower garlands on their pics!! Lmao!
        I love you guys because you read my reviews and gave me support and we can need out and get all excited!!

        Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, and thanks for always sharing them!
      The play was nice…but I guess I was tired and Shakespeare’s Henry IV isn’t something I would want to see again. A lot of talk…talk that went over my head, lol. I almost started to sleep, but I was in the front, then the next thing I knew it was over…luckily the actors didn’t notice: I apologized and they said they didn’t know! Lol! 😂

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  3. Wow, you’re going to get to 500 WP followers in no time! Congratulations.
    I just know you’re going to have a successful blog because you’re so kind and love to engage with other people. That’s a sure way to get noticed and gain loyal followers.
    Keep up the great work!!

    I see that you’re still working hard and getting gym badges. But why is Pichu still at 10 CP? Shouldn’t he be much higher now? Just curious. :]

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    1. I don’t know how to do the points! They sound so complicated!
      I just figured he would be at least a Pikachu by the end. But I love Pichu no matter what. But yes. He probably should’ve evolved by now if I knew how do to the numbers and CP points…


    1. Thank you! You are too, Jasmine!
      Thank you, my necklace means a lot to me: it’s a pendant that says “American College of Hospital Administrators” and it is from the 1940s…it is real gold and I found it at an antique fair for $2. It’s just adorable and I love it.
      Thank you!!

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    2. Thank you! The trick is just to look for a stamp…925 means silver, and 10K means gold (it can also say 14K, 18K, and 24K…but rarer than 10). I always look out of habit now. Silver doesn’t turn my neck green like other non silver necklaces do…for some reason I react with anything not silver or gold, so my jewelry choices are limited).
      I’m glad you liked it. My work doesn’t because it isn’t “fashionable.” They want me to wear big gaudy jewelry. Lol.

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    1. Thank you! I hope it continues forever!
      I love your blog, too! I always want to make my blog a little nicer, but I don’t know code and I’m really not good with the layout of things. Everyone’s templates are amazing. I want to do a poll to see how many are free users that are just really good or paid users receiving some perks from the monthly cost. If it’s worth it, I’ll upgrade to a paid account just to make my blog purty. 😉

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      1. I hope so too! Thank you so much! ❤ Oh I feel exactly the same – I don’t know much code either and the free templates are pretty restrictive anyway so you’re a bit stuck if you’re on the basic plan (which I am)! Yeah the results of that would definitely be interested – I’d be intruiged to see what everyone does/how everyone manages their design aspects! Haha! I don’t blame you. I’ve been thinking about getting my own domain for a while but always chicken out!

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  4. Huge congratulations, that’s so great! I really hope you’ll keep on blogging and I’m sure you’ll have just more and more followers, and most importantly, always more conversations with new bloggers. That’s what’s the best, and from seeing all the lovely comments striking up a conversation on this, well… I’m not worried. So happy for you! And you look sooo pretty 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Awwww, thank you!! You made my day!!
      I love blogging and meeting all of you. The book bloggers are some of the best people I’ve met…where was this when I was in high school, feeling like a nerd? 🤓
      Thank you for reading my posts! 😊

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