Real Neat Blog Award

So I’m trying to make sure I do one tag or nomination today, because I’m so behind, so I’m going back to see what’s on my Pingbacks…and there’s the Real Neat Blog Award! I was nominated by MidnightBiblioBlog, who was nice enough to nominate me because she wanted to know more about me. I think that for someone who’s been blogging for five months, she has an expert site and amazing graphics! Go check out her page and see her beautiful homemade name banner she made for her blog! And I love reading her posts: they’re so entertaining!

Here’s the rules:

  • Thank and link the blogger that nominated you.
  • Answer the 7 questions that the nomination has provided you.
  • Create 7 questions for your nominees.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers.

And here are the seven questions she sent me:

  1. How many countries have you been to?
  2. What did you want to be when you were younger?
  3. Do you wear jewellery? If so, what?
  4. Do you prefer YA, NA or Adult fiction?
  5. Do you have any siblings?
  6. What format of book do you prefer to read in?
  7. Who’s your number one book boyfriend? (If you can’t decide: top three)

So let’s start…and I’ll be brief! So you won’t have to read through all sorts of stuff about me…I’m boring anyway! 😉

  1. How many countries have you been to?  I have been to one country, and that is the US of A. That’s it, unfortunately. I want to go all sorts of places, and I even lived in AZ so you’d think I would’ve been to Mexico, but no. I don’t even have a passport. Sigh. (See? Boring!)
  2. What did you want to be when you were younger? Ooh, that’s an easy one! I wanted to be…drumroll please…a WRITER! I wrote my first story in fourth grade for our remodeled library in Scottsdale, and the theme was castles, so I wrote a story and won first place! My story is now at Mustang Library and is available for checkout for anyone that wants to read it…I also got my photo taken for the paper…it was an awesome day. The only other time I’ve been published since has been in my college literary magazine, and it was one of my poems…and they published it out of sequence. But I still hope to be a writer…I just have to finish my career path so I won’t die a “starving artist.” 
  3. Do you wear jewellery? If so, what? I wear very little, but at the moment I have on my My Little Pony wristwatch, a 10K gold Fraternal Organization pendant from the 1940s (found at a loose parts bin at an antique show), and a sterling silver ring on my pinky (it’s too small for another finger, but it’s an art nouveau face from the 1920s), so I think you’ve got what it takes about me to wear jewelry: it’s gotta represent the wackiness inside me!
  4. Do you prefer YA, NA or Adult fiction? I think we all know the answer is…but I’m going to count to three and you guys shout it out with me…one, two….three….YA! That’s kinda why the name of the blog is what it is. I’m going to be a teacher, and I love reading YA.
  5. Do you have any siblings? Yes, I have my older sister by six years, Carrie, and my younger brother, Matthew, who’s only 10 months and 20something days younger than me (we are the same age for over a month. Then there’s the half-siblings, Drezden (21) and Vaughn (19) from my crazy ex-stepmom. 
  6. What format of book do you prefer to read in? Kindle, so .mobi. I don’t use the actual Kindle but the Kindle app.
  7. Who’s your number one book boyfriend? (If you can’t decide: top three) Perry from Under The Never Sky, Sam from Shiver, and sadly, Edward Cullen from Twilight. Yes, I know. I know.

I know a lot of you have been tagged lately…so no tags. No pressure. I was behind, so no need to add on to what you’ve already got going on. If you want to do it, awesome. I hereby award you the Real Neat Blog Award (this means you!!)

23 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award

  1. Ahh, I was going to nominate you for this award when I posted my Real Neat Blog Award on Friday! I’ll just have to tag you in something else I guess!
    But still I loved reading all your answers to these questions.
    I can’t believe you haven’t been out of the US yet, or that you don’t have a passport even. I can’t imagine that because I love travelling, I’m just incapable of standing still! 🙂 Would you like to travel one day?
    I can’t say I love Sam from Shiver (wasn’t a fan of that series but I will be re-reading it at some point) or Edward (I outgrew my Twilight phase but I was Team Edward when I was a fan) but I LOVED Perry from Under the Never Sky, thats another series I need to re-read again! 😀

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    1. Yes, I know…I haven’t been anywhere. Apparently I can’t go to Canada without prior approval because of a misdemeanor I got ten years ago. So that’s frustrating because I’m so close. I never went to Mexico when I lived in AZ because my family always warned it was too dangerous. I want to do the study abroad program so I can go to the UK, but it’s expensive…like $8,000! So yes, though I want to go so bad (to Ireland, England, Japan)…I have yet to be able to go. ☹️
      And yes, Perry is my dream man,

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      1. That is strange, I mean I’m not great at geography so this may be wrong but you could technically walk into Canada if you were close enough to the border right? But that’s a shame about Mexico, especially if you were so close.
        Ohh that’s a lot of money! Still hopefully one day soon you’ll be able to travel around a bit, experience more of the world! 😀

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    2. I certainly hope so!
      And yes. You used to be able to walk into Canada from a certain place in Michigan, but they closed that and made it a checkpoint. Gotta defend from terrorists and all that!!
      Once I have my career, I want to travel. I wish my dad would give me a ticket as a graduation gift!

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    3. I don’t personally think there are, but I’m sure that’s the reason they give for the added security. In reality, it was probably bringing back cheap prescription drugs from Canada! Lol. Idk, but I think because everyone is scared all the time, it’s harder to leave the country more than ever. It used to be you could just take a day trip, but because of a stupid misdemeanor, I would have to apply a year in advance. At least, that’s what the website said. They could still turn me down, too.
      Yes, to travel would be wonderful. There are so many beautiful places, and I haven’t been to many. I feel deprived. One day soon I hope…my classmate and I are going to try to go this summer…there’s a trip through GVSU every year that goes to somewhere small in England, but I can’t remember the town. But it’s close to everything.

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      1. See that seems more likely I guess, people will try and smuggle anything over the boarders if it’s not something they can easily get in the US. I get a little scared sometimes hearing about all the things that go on in other countries, and sometimes it can be so close to the UK that I wonder if it’s something that could happen in London one day.
        I hope you get to travel soon, planning a trip next summer would be amazing, and I hope you get to come through England as well! 😀

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  2. I’m a writer, too. I have two manuscripts written but I’ve been too lazy to fix them up to send to the publishers who asked for them. 😂 I’m a mess. Haha! I hope to read some of your writing someday. 🙂 Okay, I’ll give you a pass on Edward Cullen if we’re talking about Robert Pattinson because he’s yummy. 🤗 Haha!

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      1. Oh, I know, right? Who would cheat on Robert Pattinson? She must’ve lost her mind. I’d be all over him and that sexy British accent. 😝 I don’t know maybe it was for the best for both of them. I think she’s dating a woman now.

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