November 1st: Let’s Do This!!

So the end of October came, along with Halloween, my least favorite holiday…

What? How can I dislike Halloween, you ask? Well, I can’t trick-or-treat because I’m too old, and when I dress up I usually have nowhere to go. This Halloween, I had my back upper left tooth removed; it SUCKED. So I’m happy to start a new month with plenty of new beginnings!

  1. NaNoWriMo

          As many of you might already know, I’m participating in NaNoWriMo this month. Yes, I’m crazy busy already with school (I have a 20 page rough draft due Thursday that I knew nothing about until today, so tomorrow is going to be cray-cray…yes, I said cray-cray…that’s how crazy I am). Yes, I have a ton of books to read. Yes, I have lots of blog posts to catch up on. And yes, I have no time…but I’m going to try anyway. What’s the worst that could happen? I promised myself I would do it, so I’m going to do it! Where’s the Rocky music when you need it? 

    2.  ARCs Aplenty/Buddy Read

As many of you saw on my ARC post, I have seven books on NetGalley, one on Edelweiss, and a couple for authors that have contacted me. Most aren’t due until next year, but if I ever want to start requesting books again, I’ll have to get some read. One auto-approval from Curiosity Quills was taken from me, probably because I haven’t requested anything of theirs in awhile (though they haven’t had anything I have wanted to read in awhile, so I guess there’s no loss there, lol). I hope to get some read, and I am doing a buddy read of Gilded Cage with Jasmine @ howusefulitis on November 8. I still may have to take it slow while reading other books and doing homework, but I want to do this as it’s my first reply buddy read. I’m excited about it!

   3.  Huge Library Haul

So I went to the library to return a few books, and a bunch were just coming in…though I don’t have all of them yet (Three Dark Crowns just got processed so I have to pick that up still), I have a TON that I got that are now added to the TBR library pile. Check the new arrivals out!

I got:

  • Tithe by Holly Black
  • The Darkest Part of the Forest by Holly Black
  • The Shadow Queen by C.J. Redwine
  • The Fever Code by James Dashner
  • A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess
  • The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black (seeing a theme?)
  • Naughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman (recommended by some of my UK blogger friends!)
  • (Not pictured) Three Dark Crowns by Kendare Blake (on hold today – need to pick up!)

And that’s not all of my library books…I’ll do a post where I show ALL of my library books, which makes 32 once I pick up Three Dark Crowns. Anything that is not something I have to read right away or else someone will check it out is going to go back to the library. I’m going to focus on the big titles, like Stitching Snow and Swarm. Trust me, I found a lot of awesome books in the last two weeks (And I Darken, anyone?)

These books do not include Overdrive, which I will also include in my next library post. Yes, I’m addicted to my library. They just have so many great books that I happen to find right away! I can’t NOT take advantage of what’s sitting there, begging to be checked out, can I? (Looking for some rationalization here, people…or any reassurance that I’m not insane).

   4.  School

So here’s my school. I thought I should share it with you because, well, for one I spend a lot of time there, and two, the moment looked so photo-opy. So I took a pic of my campus:

This is Grand Valley State University, where I attend Tuesday and Thursday classes from 8:30-3:45. Long days, huh? My 20 page rough draft is due Thursday (as I think I mentioned) and I haven’t started it yet. So there’s that….
So as you can see, I gotta lot going on. But I’m hanging in there, and I’m still reading every single one of your blog posts. The emails never go down, but at least I always get to see what my friends are up to. Sorry I’m always behind in my comments, but I refuse to miss one post that you guys share: you read mine, and I’ll always read yours. 😉

Oh, and here’s a little something for my “belated” Halloween present for y’all:

Hope your November goes smoothly…we have the holidays coming up, and I want to send some of my closest book blog buddies some care packages…may not be much, but it’s the least I can do. Sammi @ onebookishgirl won a giveaway and it was US only, so she’s having the prizes sent to me: a signed copy of Three Dark Crowns and a copy of Replica. For sending it to her, she’s letting me keep Replica! And she’s going to send me an AUS copy of Three Dark Crowns, and I’m going to send her a US copy of The Thousandth Floor, and throwing in some goodies from the good ol’ US of A. So we are doing book mail! I also signed up for the mail you do with someone from another country, but I don’t know much about how that works, so I’m waiting on news. 

Happy November 1st! Rabbit, rabbit, rabbit! (Look it up…lol!)

Happy Reading!

130 thoughts on “November 1st: Let’s Do This!!

    1. Thank you! Yes, tooth extractions are HORRIBLE!! Also it was expensive! This month is going to be busy, but I appreciate the kind and encouraging words. Reminds me why I share my life and craziness with y’all! 😘
      Thanks so much!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Goodness! I feel so busy with what’s going on with me but your schedule really have no room for air! I don’t recognize many of your library books. Hope they are good! I’m jealous of your library having 3 dark crowns & And I Darken. I want to read them!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, I am very lucky. And I’m grateful for it! That’s why I’m so greedy with the library: they have such good books available that are all relatively new. I think I get the hard copies because most people wait for Overdrive copies instead.
      Yeah, I kinda wanted you guys to see how tight my schedule is…and this is after I lost my job! (It’s a long story) But when I was working, it was even worse. But if I didn’t read and blog with you guys, I don’t think I could make it through the tough times. 😊
      I’m so thankful I met everyone, but especially you. I can’t believe we’ve known each other for almost half a year already!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry that you lose your job. Do you apply for financial aid, at least that pays for school. I’m liking Overdrive a lot and thanks to your insider info about keeping the book for an extra day because I took advantage of that to finish with my recent read. I’m glad blogging is a happy medium for you. It is for me too. 😊 I hope we can keep up with blogging 10 years from now.. 😂 I’m glad we are book buddies. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Me too. I love that we can talk books and that you can get me a free copy of a book (Paper Princess) and I can get you an extra day on Overdrive! Love those things about blogging,
      Yeah, I get financial aid right now…the amount I pay is what’s left over after the aid. I know, it’s a lot. I’m not horribly upset about the job because I could tell the boss hated me: she didn’t me ever since school started and I couldn’t come in whenever someone was sick because school came first. Hopefully, I will find something good….the timing just sucks, lol.
      Thank you, book buddy! Book buddies for life!

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  2. Megan @ bookslayerReads

    OMG you have picked up some great books! I LOVED The Darkest Part of the Forest, Tithe, and I’m loving The Shadow Queen. I’ve heard nothing but good things about Naughts and Crosses! Good luck with NaNoWriMo and if you wanna buddy read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, let me know! I just picked it up at Books A Million.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yeah, a buddy read on that would be awesome! It won’t be for a little bit because I just got it, but I think it would be fun!
      Yeah, I’m super excited about all the books! I can’t believe I have a library that allows me such excellent book choices: it was so cool to see the book cart and just pick what I wanted before they were processed…there were so many books! I’m glad you liked the ones you mentioned because I haven’t heard a ton about them…but I totally trust your book judgement!

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    1. Thank you! I think so too! I can’t believe I was able to get that good of a pic with just my iPhone! They have excellent cameras on their phones!
      I love going there because it’s so green and natural and peaceful. 😊

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    1. Thanks! I need it, lol.
      I love my campus. I have to thank the Midwest for the view: Michigan is so pretty this time of year (before the snow!). I used to attend a college in the city, too, so I know what you mean…I lived in AZ and went to ASU…they have a hella ugly campus!
      What school did you go to?


    1. Thank you so much!
      Yeah, I found it by accident while grabbing the Holly Black books! I was like, oh, my UK and AUS friends always say how awesome this book is, I have to check it out! I’m so excited to read it and see what it’s like for myself: I didn’t even know we HAD the book out here, let alone at my library! 😊👍

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  3. Blimey, Teach! You’re up the walls busy! 🙂 But it’s great to be busy just don’t let the stress get to you and enjoy the madness instead.
    I wish you luck on nanowrimo and with writing your school paper. You can frickin’ do it! 🙂

    I actually closed my review requests section until 2017 because there are a ton of books I have to catch up on and read and I was like- yeah, I ain’t going to stress myself out until I have destroyed my immediate TBR! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s smart! Good thinking, Boss!
      Yeah, imagine how it was before I lost my job, lol! It was insanity! But I’m used to it, and it’s worth the “sacrifice” to talk books with my buds. (I’m starting a new gang, and the slogan is BB4Life as in book buddies for life…want a tattoo? 😉)
      NaNoWriMo is either going to be awesome or an epic fail…whatever happens, though, at least I’ll know I tried it!
      Good luck on your TBR…and good luck on mine! 🍀

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      1. Everyt time you call me Boss, I think of Bruce Springsteen 😀
        And you know, working can be so overrated… if I didn’t have a job, I’d have so much more fun with everything else that goes on in life but someone came up with this stupid money system! 😀 oh well…
        Anyway, keep us up to date with your nanowrimo process and hells yes I want a tattoo! 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Sorry, don’t mean to make you think of “The Boss!” Hahahahaha!! 😂😂😂
      I’ll keep you guys up to date on my progress…and I’m definitely coming out there to get your tattoo ready! Remember: “BB4Life” right on the left butt cheek!! That’s where we’ll all get our blogger tats!! 😂😂😭😂😁

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    1. Thanks! It is ok so far: trying not to irritate it bc I’m a smoker and the two never go well together…I’m praying it will heal all right.
      Thanks also for the words of encouragement! Whenever I get down, I’m going to remember that Dodds told me I can do this! 😘

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Cate

    Good luck with NaNoWriMo! Nice haul you’ve got! I haven’t read any of those. The Coldest Girl in Coldtown is on my TBR! Let me know if it’s any good! It’s good that you have such a great library! Mine never has new releases. Definitely read Noughts and Crosses! I have so many friends who love it. The tooth removal must have been sore. Hope you’re doing okay. The card’s really funny! I like it haha 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was hoping you’d like the card! I figured why buy it when I can take a pic and share it with all my friends? Lol.
      I’m really looking forward to the Holly Black books: I’ve never read anything by her but I hear good things. And I def hear good stuff about Naughts and Crosses! I will let you know how it goes! I am so fortunate that I have an awesome small town library with “big city” books, lmao! A lot of small town libraries don’t have the choice and budget we have!
      Thank you so much for the kind words. 😊

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      1. Cate

        It’s great! Haha.
        I haven’t either. I think I first heard of the Coldest Girl In Coldtown back when it came out. Like many books, I never got around to reading it. Cool.
        That is fortunate. My biggest library has barely any good books. Once in a while you’ll find books that they don’t sell is shops but never new releases. Of course! 🙂

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    2. I told that to my librarian today: she was under the impression that the people who couldn’t get new releases lived in small towns. I had to inform her it was mostly people in big cities that couldn’t get their hands on the new books: either they’re checked out or you’re put on a waiting list, right? See, we have a lot of browsers that will come in and pick up a book if they see it, but not many put holds on the YA books online. They do on Overdrive, but not for the physical copies. That’s where I have gotten lucky so far. However, if I was to request an adult book, I would have the same problems as most people: adults know all about putting holds on books and they don’t use Overdrive; they prefer physical copies. Luckily I don’t read a lot of adult books, but my mom can never keep a book because there’s always someone waiting to check it out after her.
      I’m lucky my tastes in genre reflect the available books! 🤔


      1. Cate

        Well, see, for me, I think it’s different because I’m a blogger and I watch booktube videos so am more likely to know when a book is coming out/if an author is releasing a new book etc. than your average person who reads YA. Ireland isn’t that big in itself either. We don’t have lots of publishers based here. So, for example, the US books. They need to make it to UK shelves first before they’re even considered here. A lot of the time, they don’t reach Ireland. That’s what’s annoying. There are so many good books I want to read and most of the time, I can’t get them in Ireland or they’re too expensive to have shipped here. Sometimes, that’s the case. The checked out/waiting list, I mean. But, most of the time, it’s not. That’s good. Does it cost you at your library to put books on hold? It does here. Yeah, overdrive is good. That’s a little better than the physical books in the library. Smart adults. Yeah, quite lucky. That’s annoying. I don’t think my mom’s even used to library as an adult. She has a kindle so she buys books on that. She doesn’t read as much as I do so it’s not that bad for her buying a book ever so often. She’s more of a holiday reader. Ya know, reads like 5 books while tanning in a foreign country in the summer and then doesn’t read anything for three months. Yes, again, lucky you. Is your library busy? My local library most of the time is deserted. I don’t know whether that’s because it’s in a small enough suburb or it’s just because people aren’t reading. That could be why they don’t get new releases much. But, I think the library would be so much better if they actually bought new releases because people would be more likely to come back.

        [Sorry for this huge chuck on text, haha.]

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    3. No prob on the long text! I love to see what other people’s libraries do.
      Are you serious? You have to PAY to get your books? Emily mentioned the same thing too. She can’t get them sent free now that she’s over 18! Pisses me off. Especially since most of you guys pay this VAT tax that is a BS tax!
      Your mom goes on tanning holidays? Cool! My mom works from home so she never really shuts down: she doesn’t read much anymore. She likes that my blog does well and I get books, but she gives me shit sometimes when I sit and read because I’m not “doing” anything…hello, I’m reading? That’s def doing something! 😉
      My library isn’t really busy either. The US is majorly into buying books or using a Overdrive. I love my library…my town isn’t small but not big. I think there’s 10,000 people that live here? Year-round, since this IS a tourist town. If you google Grand Haven, it comes up as Coast Guard City, USA. The town is swamped in summer, and the library shortens its hours then. They open up more when summer is over.
      I didn’t know you were in Ireland! Always wanted to go there ever since I was a kid. One day I hope…


      1. Cate

        Yes, you have to pay! It’s ridiculous. Like, imagine there’s six books you want to put on hold. You’ve to pay about 50c each. That’s €3 just so they’ll mind books for you. What? That’s so stupid. You have VAT too, don’t you? I thought you just pay it like at the till whereas ours is included in the beginning price?
        My mom’s in a post-divorce, we’re-sisters phase, so, yes. She likes her tanning holidays. She likes tanning even when she’s not on a holiday. Ah, I see. My mom’s in a committed relationship with her phone so she doesn’t really have time for anything else. Oh, same. My mom doesn’t even know I have a blog. It’s nice that you can share that with her though. I can totally understand that. I think my mom’s gotten past the point of caring by now. She’s just accepted my introverted books-are-better-than-people mentality. It definitely is something! Quite productive. Means then that while you’re busy, you’re not going to not do your work when it’s time because you’ve already used your free time to read.
        I’ve never heard of that. Yes, well you guys have access to a LOT more books. Sometimes I wish I’d live over there just because of the books you can get. Also, bookoutlet? I’ve only seen it in booktube videos but I swear I’d live there if I could. I’d buy so often. That sounds quite big to me. Dublin isn’t like that. It’s the city centre and loads of suburbs so there’s no real “towns”. But, I wouldn’t have a clue as to how many people live either in my suburb or Dublin as a whole. That’s kind of annoying but I could understand why.
        Yup, born and raised. haha. I never understand that. I don’t think any Irish person [excluding those hard-core (non-violent) nationalists] understands what’s so appealing about Ireland. I hope for your sake too. American’s love Irish people, right? Haha.

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      2. Yes, Americans love Ireland. Probably all the mythological leprechauns that live there, lol.
        We DO NOT have VAT. Nope. Just sales tax, and that’s on everything. They’ve been trying to pass a VAT tax here forever…but now that we have Pres Trump this morning, I think taxes are gonna plummet. It’ll be really interesting to see how things end up.
        It’s ridiculous that you have to pay for your books. This is what I’m hearing everywhere. You pay VAT, you pay for your books to be shipped…gosh, no wonder it’s so hard for you to get some of the books we have here.
        Oh, your mom is in THAT phase. My mom had that phase. She’s over it now…but I’m sure my mom is a lot older than yours. Lemme think…she was born in 1955, so that makes her…61? Yup, she’s def over that with me. Now she treats me like a teen again. She was so relaxed with her parenting style, but then she became an Underwriter (someone who approves loans on houses), then a Sr. Underwriter, and now she is a “Subject Matter Expert” or SME. I call her a shmee.
        She (I think) likes the book blog because it’s something I am doing successfully. For a long time, I was a drug addict, and I wasn’t exactly stellar child material. Now that it’s been (wow) eight years since I got clean, she’s a little happier with my choices in proclivities. I think she’s just happy I’m not dead in the gutter or in jail. I am too. Lol.
        I think we should have a book revolution, and petition all the libraries to make interlibrary transfers of books be free. You already pay so much in taxes: that’s supposed to pay for the library! But I always leave the offer open that if someone wants a book, I’ll send it to them. Especially if it’s something you can’t get your hands on. Us blood nerds got to help each other out! Blogger power! 🙌


    1. I am surprised most of the time, too…still! You’d think I would be used to it: I think it’s mainly that we have such a good youth services director because she orders all the good books and takes requests, too! She is a doll.
      I need all the luck I can get today: I have to basically write 20 pages in one day! It doesn’t have to be great, just proof that we did it. So I’m going to slap it together and call it good! As long as it is turned in on time, that’s all that matters! Whew! 😉


      1. I think it’s mainly older people who use my library so they always have loads of new thrillers and crime books. I think I’ve read basically every YA book they have!

        Ah that’s a nightmare, I’m sure you’ll get it done though. Just focus on writing as much as possible then you can tidy it up a bit later. Let us know how you get on! I’m sure you’ll be fine.

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    2. Thanks for the encouragement!
      If it makes you feel better, my old library in Phoenix, AZ was just like that: concentrate on the adult titles because the teens only need books there to choose from; they don’t need anything new when there are already some books there, right? That’s how most libraries are, actually. The YA sections get overlooked because they are considered “teen” reading…and who cares about teen reading, right?
      I wish more libraries were like my little Grand Haven library. I’m very grateful because I can’t afford all the books I would want to check out!!


      1. You’d think they would do more to get younger people reading! I used to be able to order books in from the other libraries in the area which was so good, but now I’m over 18 they charge me to do it🙄

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    3. Are you serious?!? They CHARGE you to get books from other libraries??
      I’m hearing a lot of weird stuff about libraries…I’m going to have to write a post about it! I request tons of material from other libraries…I don’t do it if I can’t read the book within 2 months because you can only renew a book once, but other than that I have no problems, and I’m WAY over 18! Smh. Ridiculous. Just ridiculous. That’s why libraries partner with others in their branch: ours is the Lakeland Cooperative, and that means that twenty or so libraries partner with us and can do inter-library loans…the only drawback is the new material: I can’t request a hold on a new book even if it’s sitting on the shelf at another library; it has to be over 3 months old. But if I want to drive to that library and call ahead for them to hold it, then I can go down there and pick it up I would do that if I ever got desperate but I’ve never had to.
      I’m so sorry libraries are shitty in other areas, I’m calling them out on this BS in a post! I’m so angry now! 😡
      Thanks for sharing…sorry about my rant. 😳


      1. Haha finally someone as annoyed as I was! It’s only 50p per book so it’s not too bad, but obviously that builds up if your borrowing lots of different books. I think it’s to cover petrol costs or something like that. It’s annoying because I used to order in books all the time. I actually have a post going up tonight about saving money on books, and I talk a little bit about the library on that. Can’t wait to read yours now!

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    4. I get that there’s costs for the library, but what do taxes pay for then? That’s why libraries are funded publicly…otherwise I’m sure private corporations funded by businesses could be actual money-makers and have concerns over gas costs. But the library is supposed to be a place where young and old can read and enjoy books…if they can do it for under 18 for free, then they can do it for over 18, and they’re just trying to be nitpicky. I’m fuming over this. My library sends out book mail all the time…they just make sure they have a full load before they send it, and that happens almost daily. I just don’t get it. It may not be much but you’re right: it does add up after awhile.
      Yeah, a local library in Fruitport closed its doors and it made me think about all the differences between your library, my library, and other libraries…and why they have such varying policies. I’m cooking something up, and I’ll be sure to give you a shout out in the post so you’ll be tagged when it’s up. Might be a bit because I’ve got some other things to write (NaNoWriMo! Argh!) but it’ll happen.
      Thanks or listening to my rant too!


      1. Your 100% right, books from a council run, tax paid library should be free. I don’t know if it was free for under 18s because they didn’t actually have that many ordering them in, whereas I feel like there will be lots of older readers who go on a lot. Still not fair though. Really interested to see your post now! No problem, I rant about it everytime I’m in with my mum and she’s sick of hearing me moan about 50p, so it’s nice to have someone else who feels the same😂 xoxo

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  5. 32 books….LOL! No wonder you have to hide them in your trunk :’) :’). Your campus looks so pretty and peaceful <3. I'm getting all Zen just by looking at the pictures! And what's this care package thing you're talking about hm? Does it involve anything with a leopard print? I'd feel so left out if that were the case!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, it involves so much leopard print that I’m sure you should be jealous. I actually skinned a leopard just to include it in the care package. 🐯
      Nah, Sammi won a contest that was US only, but it wasn’t mentioned in the rules, so she argued with them and they agreed to send it to someone in the US who could mail it to her: enter me, wunderkind and all around awesome friend, and so I’ll be receiving it and sending it to AUS and I get to keep Replica! Because we decided long ago to do a US/AUS book swap, in throwing in a copy of the US version of a book, and she’s sending me an AUS version of the book! I think it’ll be fun!
      We can always do book mail, too, with me sending you a book and you sending me special brownies wrapped like a book…heh heh.
      Jk! 😉🙌

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      1. OMG, now THAT’s caring for sure!! ❤ (skinning a leopard and such). What a hassle, they should've just sent it to her anyways if they forgot to mention it. BUT, luckily you were there to save the day! My god, skinning a leopard and helping out the Australians all within the same week?? ❤ But that's awesome! 😉 I wonder what you can actually get through customs over there. Are there any drugs sniffing dogs specifically selected for packages from Columbia and The Netherlands?

        Liked by 1 person

    2. 😂😂😂
      I don’t know about the drug-sniffing dogs…but we will find out soon, won’t we? 😉
      Books are the best way to package large quantities of crack. Lots and lots of crack.
      I am a superhero for all Aussies! I’m their best “mate”! They play the didgeridoo as I ascend from the heavens in my spandex leopard ensemble and AUS flag-cape. 😂😂😂😂


  6. Your campus looks AWESOME, it’s so pretty, I love it ❤ Also, I'm spotting some Holly Black books, I hope you'll enjoy them! I haven't read anything by this author, but I'm very curious about what she writes, especially The Darkest Part of The Forest. Can't wait to hear your thoughts about these ones 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I’m very fortunate to go to such a well-maintained and beautiful campus. I’m proud to soon be a graduate!
      I have never read Holly Black, and I don’t know what made me grab several books instead of one: I guess I figured I would probably love her, and if I didn’t I could always return the others! Lol. I’m excited for Dark Part of the Forest. Been wanting to read that for awhile now.
      I can’t wait to share what I think of the books with you! I can’t wait to crack em open and read em! 😉

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  7. onebookishgirl

    Oooh yay! You got Shadow Queen!!!
    Your library gets good books in!! So not fair haha.
    Good luck with NaNoWriMo and your crazy ass schedule!! Lol.
    I am sure you will smash it all 😀

    Your school is so pretty! It would definitely make going there easier!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The campus does make it seem less hectic as I race across campus to my early first class at 8:30am (who decided to make an 8:30 in the morning anyway? What asshole decided that?)
      I doubt I’ll be able to do all that I am aspiring to do: I have major “time management” issues. Like right now, I’m checking my mail to make the pile go down, and I keep getting distracted by looking at books on Amazon. (Homer: “Distracted…that’s a funny word. I wonder if anyone ever gets tracted? I’ll call the suicide hotline and find out…”) <— Everytime I hear the word distracted, I think of this Simpsons quote. Homer tells himself not to get distracted, and then goes on a tangent about the word itself: reminds me of my life!
      My library does get good books in, and I thanked Julia today for always doing great. Apparently we are a "category five" library, which means something in terms of size. All I took away from the conversation is that they somehow got a proposition for an annual $1.6 million dollar budget that never goes up for renewal. So they have the money to buy the books…and they carry brand new movies too. But I mainly focus on the books. Ahh, the books. Picked up my copy of Three Dark Crowns on hold. I still want the AUS cover…I don't like the US one. I think it's plain. So excited for our book mail…can't wait to get yours so I can send it to you!!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. onebookishgirl

        8.30 is waaay to early for anything… I get to work at 7am.
        Haha procrastination 👍🏼👍🏼
        What’s time management?? 🤔
        I have absolutely no time management skills at all!! Wing it and hope for the best.

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    2. I like your attitude! And 7am? I didn’t know there was a 7 in the morning now!! Curse you, time gods!
      That’s what I’m going to tell my professors when assignments are due: well, Sammi says wing it and hope for the best…so that’s why my paper isn’t finished….
      😂😂😂 I love it! My new mantra!


      1. onebookishgirl

        Haha I am out of bed at 7am but I am most definitely not awake!
        I’m sure that your new mantra will work! You are so passing every assessment with that attitude haha 😀

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  8. It sounds like you didn’t have a good Halloween at all, but hopefully November will be better for you! 😀 I never went trick-or-treating as a child but Halloween is not a big thing over here at all so I don’t feel like I really missed out on much growing up.
    Good luck with NaNoWriMo, I guess it’s going to be a challenge blogging and getting through 50K words but I’m sure it will be a lot of fun as well! Are you planning to post some of your writing on your blog?
    And great haul too, seems like you have some good books to kick start November. What one are you planning to start with? Also being addicted to the library is not too bad, better than being addicted to buying all the books and spending soooo much money on them, library books are free after all! 😀

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    1. True, the free books make it totally worth it. I just have to start having better “time management skills” to make sure I get all the good ones read! And I’m not doing too good with NaNoWriMo yet: they should count the 20 page paper I had to write last night for school! That was a lot of words! It should totally count towards my word count, lmao!
      I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try it even though I am super busy…we get a break for Thanksgiving so hopefully I’ll write a lot then, too, but I think I overestimated my timetable. Smh.
      You guys don’t celebrate Halloween over there? I never knew that! No trick-or-treating? I mean, I’m sure it’s no big deal to you since you didn’t do it, and Halloween doesn’t mean anything to me now since I don’t have kids…but I loved it as a kid and it was one of my fave holidays (can’t count Christmas bc that’s the BEST for kids!) because of all the candy….I was restricted with food a lot growing up so Halloween was my excuse to eat candy. My mom managed it for awhile, bit once my parents divorced I was eating like crazy, and that’s what led to my voluptuous curves today. 😉
      I’m kicking off November with an ARC I was given on Netgalley: the book came out in August but it’s a smaller title so I know it’s not a biggie for it to be late, and I’m almost done with it. Then I tackle some library books, and Jasmine wants to do a buddy read on the 8th. It’ll have to be a slow one while I’m keeping up with everything else!
      What about you? What are you starting with this month? (If you’ve posted a review, I’m sorry…I’m behind in my email post updates, just like everything else! 😳😂)

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      1. I need to work on my time management skills as well, it feels like it’s something I never get perfect but as long as I manage to get my ARCs read on time I’m happy, and so far I’ve managed to do that! Oh I know what you mean, it would be great if NaNoWriMo counted blogging posts and comments because I would get through 50K words in a month no problem! But hey if you can figure out a way to add your paper to the story that could work! 😀
        No definitely try, even if you don’t manage to get everything done every little helps right?
        Nope, well, some people do but it’s not a big thing. I guess in America it is right? I never went trick-or-treating as a child so it kind of all passed me by. For some people it’s probably different. I have friends who love Halloween just because they went trick-or-treating and get really into the whole dress-up thing for parties now.
        Sounds like you have a busy November planned, honestly I’m not sure how you’re managing your reading with your blogging with NaNoWriMo. I wouldn’t be able to do it! But still even if you only get some of it done it’s better than nothing right? Oh I’ve already got two books read this month! Nah haven’t posted a review for November yet, my first one will be tonight for Crooked Kingdom. Trying to get ahead on reading this month and I plan to start an ARC myself tomorrow as well! 😀

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    2. Well, you can’t miss much if you didn’t participate…Christmas is the real important holiday anyway. I don’t even dress up anymore. Unless it’s for sexy Halloween parties, which never happen.
      I don’t know how I do it either, tbh. Yesterday I spent ALL DAY reading posts and checking email, so I got through about 200…because of new ones I still have about 500+ to go. Some days I think of just deleting the old ones and moving forward…but I can’t bear to miss out on any of your guys’ posts!
      Good for you in your reading! I just finished mine last night and was going to post the review, but I had already posted for the day and I try to spread them out since I don’t get a lot of time to post lately. I can’t wait until I can be 100% active again!
      Can’t wait to read your reviews! What ARC are you starting?

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      1. Nah that’s how I feel, the first time I went trick-or-treating was when I was babysitting my friends cousins with her and I just didn’t really get what the fuss was about. Then again I was 18 at the time so I think the ship had long since sailed on that for me.
        Wow, that is a lot of emails to get through, but I know the feeling it’s like as soon as you catch up on 200 another 300 have been added to your pile. It’s almost like an uphill struggle but on the other hand I’m sure you’re reading some brilliant posts to make up for it right?
        At least you have the review all drafted out then, I guess now all that’s left to do is press the publish button and that’s easy when it comes down to it, the hard part is over now! 😀
        I’m going to start Heartless tomorrow, and hopefully Caraval by the end of the week/this weekend, who knows really? I’m a mood reader so it does depend on what I want to read you know?

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    3. I miss being a mood reader. Now I’m a deadline reader. Read the book before it’s due!! That’s my new lifestyle, lol.
      Yeah, Halloween at 18 isn’t the same at 8 when free candy is a big deal cause you can’t buy your own. Oh well. At least you tried. If you ever have kids, take em if you can…it’s almost as fun to take em as it is to go.
      Oh, Heartless. That’s the one book I’m actually considering buying cause I know I’ll love it. I do still have my Amazon GC. I just hate spending money on myself!

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      1. See I could try that but I feel it would send me into a reading slump. I normally plan what I want to start next but never more than a couple of days in advance, and it can change on the day if I don’t feel like reading it after all.
        Yeah, probably why I never got into it at all. And yeah I still tired and it was a lot of fun with the kids, they had a great evening as well which is the main thing.
        Oh I’m the opposite when it comes to books, I will spend money even if I don’t technically have it. I haven’t started Heartless yet but I’d still really recommend it because it’s Marissa Meyer so I have high hopes! 😀

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    4. Well, I have to admit I spend money on books when I don’t really have it either. If something is $1.99 on Amazon, or somewhere around there, then I grab it (if it’s on sale and won’t ALWAYS be $1.99), but those $1.99s add up. Next thing I know, I’ve spent almost $20…and though I ended up with a lot of books, I’ve spent a lot of money, too. And my library’s used bookstore is super evil. I went in there today and they had an Erin Bow book (author of The Scorpion Rules) and it sounded good and was only a quarter…which I didn’t even have so they’re holding it for me…but I am running out of room bc my mom won’t let me put a bookshelf in there. Though I doubt a traditional one would hold many of my books anyway…
      Oh, book buying probs, right? 🤔💭 💸

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      1. That’s all right! And I’m sure this will help, it’s definitely getting the word out to more people isn’t it.
        I’ll have to check out the two chapters soon. I only had the time to vote for the book but I will go back when I have more time and read through them. The premise sounds amazing and like you I like bad boy books! 😀

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    5. Wait…what? I’m not understanding what we are talking about anymore! Lol!
      This is what happens when our threads get this long!
      Maybe this was meant for a diff post response? Or am I missing something? What book has bad boys that you’ve read two chapters in?

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    6. I kinda figured that, lol! I kept rereading to see if I was missing something, but then realized you couldn’t possibly be talking to me, seeing as how I am NOT into bad boys! (Well, maybe a little…)
      Sounded like an interesting convo though! 😉
      Don’t worry, it happens all the time to me!

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      1. I tend to write comments in Word first, just so I can check spelling and because there is more space than in the small boxes they give you on WordPress, guess I must have not actually copied the comment I meant to reply and just pasted a previous one over. Oh well, I know to be extra sure that doesn’t happen again! 😀

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    7. Oh, that’s interesting! I use my iPad, so I’m used to it. I’m guessing you use a comp? I think that’s why other ppl’s blogs look so stellar: I’m editing on a tablet and they’re using the Customizer on their PC…everything I try to do on the iPad takes a half an hour to load. It’s so time consuming! I even try widgets (like the Goodreads Challenge one), and though it is displayed, it’s not updating the number of books as I read them. I don’t know why, bc I copied the code correctly. I wish I knew someone who lived close that could help me with some of this blog design shit! 😂

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      1. I actually use a mixture, sometimes replying to comments I’ll use my phone just because it’s portal and easy to access on the train. I use my iPad to draft posts on Word but anything more detailed, like publishing reviews, using Customizer, I do on my laptop just because I find it easier to have a keyboard and mouse pad and overall just easier you know?
        That’s a shame, I’m not really good at code either, I normally Google the questions I have and find an answer on there! 😀

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    8. I have an iPhone and an iPad that I use constantly. My laptop is so old that I don’t even have the charger anymore! My mom bought a netbook at a yard sale but it’s super slow. So I’m a device girl. Would be nice to have a comp downstairs: my mom works from home so the home comp is set up right next to her work comp upstairs…she has four HUGE monitors! She’s a mortgage underwriter: essentially someone who looks over the loan docs for a home refinance or whatever and signs off on it. She makes decent money working from home, too; if I wasn’t dead-set on becoming a teacher I would do what she does! Anyway…so she has both comps upstairs and there’s nothing left. I think she’s gonna get one for downstairs and I’ll be in heaven, having design capabilities at my fingertips! Yes!

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      1. I use my iPad and my iPhone constantly as well, but I also use my laptop constantly. I don’t think I’d be able to manage without it really just because of everything I do use it for, and I’m not just counting blogging here but other things too.
        Wow that sounds like an interesting job, and it must be great to work from home and make good money as well. I honestly couldn’t imagine working from home but if I had more four huge monitors whatever I did would be much easier. How much better would blogging be if you had four monitors to work on?! 😀

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      2. I know! They are monstrous! They just sent these new ones that would be awesome TVs! She’s got like a master home office, and the comp they sent her was the size of a book! It was that small! No CD drives anymore, I guess, but tons of USB ports! The tower for the home computer looks massive in comparison, lol!
        I wish sometimes I had a comp to work on. Especially now when I’m at 8% battery and I need to charge my iPad. It seems like my battery life gets shorter and shorter! (I’ll just have to switch to the iPhone, lmao!)
        I still have my old iPad mini 2 (I use the mini 4 now) but it is so slow compared to this one that I barely use it. Now I feel like a technology snob, because I’m used to speed and efficiency! Stupid iPad spoiled me! 😑

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      3. Wow, that sounds like an amazing set up. I have two computer screens for work and at times I just think ‘this would be so amazing for blogging’. To bad I’ve got too much work to do instead!
        I think after a while the battery life gets shorter on iPads and iPhones, basically any portable device we’re not constantly plugging in (like my laptop is!)
        Nah I’m used to speed and efficiency as well. It’s why I get so annoyed when my work laptop is playing up and keeps freezing. I guess we’re just the generation used to have everything at our fingertips in seconds! 🙂

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    9. Smh, isn’t that sad? They didn’t even have internet back in the day, and we can’t wait any extra seconds! 😂😂😂 Especially after we’ve gone upgraded, we can’t go back!
      You have two screens for work? I never asked you what you do…if you’re in school, have kids, where you work! I feel like such a bad friend! What do you do?

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      1. Yeah, but I guess as times change our attitudes do as well. There was likely something back before the age on Internet people couldn’t wait a few extra seconds for.
        No that’s all right, I work full time up in London at the moment, it’s a lot of computer work but I do enjoy my job which is pretty much the most important thing for me at the moment. 😀

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      1. It was a long time coming finding this job but worth it in the end. But I’m sure you’ll find one soon as well, for me it was a job I least expected so maybe it’ll be the same for you as well. And don’t worry, I make sure my eyes get breaks every now and again! 😀

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  9. Flavia

    Omggg every book in that pile sounds amazing! I’ve only read Tithe, but some of the others have been in my TBR and oh my gosh…I’m so happy you’ll be reading them 🙂

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    1. I know, right? I am SUPER happy, too! I think I’m addicted to the library and I have a serious impulse control problem, though. I have 33 books checked out! How can I possibly read that many? I have to start reading the important ones that have met their limit for being renewed and get them back…but I can’t help it if my library keeps releasing awesome books to check out! Every time I return one, two more crop up! Lol, I’m bombarded with books! 📚 📚 📚!

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      1. Flavia

        Hahaha you sound just like me! I have recently started going to the library again, and it was so hard to leave with just 2 books! I actually couldn’t believe my willpower and self control! I normally take out a lot more…but I have been trying to keep from overwhelming myself with large piles of books…and I really should read the ones which I’ve bought over the last year but have not yet read. SIGH! Bibliophile problems….you get it! :’)

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      1. Flavia

        Yeah I won a copy of The Lost Property Office and I was going to read and review it. Buy since it’s a middle grade book, and I wanted to read something else…I had no motivation to. So I figured since I don’t have money to ship it out if I host a giveaway…I would donate it to my local library. But they apparently can’t accept ARCs……..

        Liked by 1 person

    2. That is awesome!! Well, I guess when it’s not an ARC anymore…or does it say right on the cover: Advanced Reader Copy or Not For Resale? Never thought of that!
      Well, I would donate it to a local school library…or classroom? Some teacher could use it for a lesson plan? Or still do a giveaway but wait until you have the money? Idk but it’s a funny story!! Wow, a book that no one will take! 😂

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      1. Flavia

        Haha well I’m glad you enjoyed the story 🙂 I would have read and reviewed it if I’d requested it. But I won it and yeah. I’d send it to you but can’t afford it right now 😦

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    3. Oh don’t worry: I hate middle grade, lol! I just think it’s a fun story to tell…that you went to donate the book and the library wouldn’t take it, though it was free! It’s cute. Makes me smile. 😉
      I’m sure someone where you are will appreciate it at some point…or you can keep it for the memories!
      I actually just got my first physical ARC today!! I wrote about it in a post, and it came today!
      So two posts tomorrow: my review of Vassa in the Night and Book Mail!

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      1. Flavia

        Hahaha okay! And oh my gosh that’s so awesome! I will have to check your post out tomorrow as I’m on the way to 2 birthday parties now haha. But not knowing which ARC you got will drive me nuts! 😂

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    4. Yup…wanting to build the suspense!! Mwhooohahahaha!! (Evil laugh) 😈
      The sad thing is that I thought it was a package I was expecting for Sammi @ ohbookishgirl (she won a giveaway that was US only so they are sending the books to me and I’ll mail them to her in AUS, but I let her down when I opened the package and saw it was for me!). I felt so bad telling her I got her books and then finding out they were for me! 😢
      But I am excited to share them! Have double the birthday party fun!! 🎉

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    5. Well she heard from the company and they said they are waiting on one of the signed copies so at least she knows what is going on…apparently she got a copy of Three Dark Crowns AND Replica, signed, being sent. And I get to keep the Replica copy bc she already has one! A signed copy! Yay!
      Oh, my lips are zipped…but I will give you a hint…I mentioned it in one of my recent non-review posts.
      Think of it as a scavenger hunt, lol!
      Or you can wait until tomorrow…I promise I’ll have pics and everything! I’m so psyched. 😊😘
      Thanks for being excited with me.

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      1. Flavia

        Oh my gosh that’s amazing! And so awesome that she’s letting you keep the signed copy of Replica! Ahh!

        And ohhh a scavenger hunt! I shall go looking now…unless your post is already up 😛 in which case, I’ll be lazy and just read that, haha.

        And of course I’d be excited with you! 😀

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  10. 32 books?? Omg that’s crazy (how did you manage to carry that stack home?!) I REALLY loved The Coldest Girl in Coldtown so I can’t wait to see your thoughts on it! Along with Gilded Cage–that’s one of my most anticipated reads next year 😀

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    1. I’m buddy reading Gilded Cage, and I’m excited to read anything by Holly Black because I’ve been DYING to read her books! I hope they’re good: I figured I’d start with a The Darkest Part of the Forest, and even if I don’t like that, I’m going to read The Coldest Girl in Coldtown (I wish there were acronyms for these titles, you know?) to see if I will like that. If I don’t like either, I’ll return the rest. But in my gut, I have a good feeling about these books.
      I know…I have WAY too many library books…but if you saw what I have checked out (I was going to post it but I’m embarrassed of how long the list is), you would be holding on to them, too! I’ve got Swarm by Westerfeld, The Girl Who Drank the Moon, Ember in the Ashes AND the sequel, Furthermore by Tahereh Mafi, ACOMAF, the sequels to Daughter of Smoke and Bone…the list goes on and on. I mean, I have some amazing books I’m dying to read! Three Dark Crowns? C’mon! I have to read them ALL!
      I’m going to get started shortly…priority number one besides my schoolwork! 😉😂😂😂😂


    2. Oh, and I didn’t get them all at once: I would return a book and two would be there from my TBR on the New Releases shelf. Let’s just say that my trunk IS VERY FULL. Oh, and I have seven on Overdrive. I’m crazy, I know! 😳


    1. I’m hearing a lot about crappy libraries and I’m very fortunate, you’re right. I hope more libraries realize they are losing patrons by not having the newest books available!
      Makes me want to start a campaign to get libraries to wake up! I get so pissed about this!!

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      1. I’m just glad I discovered Book Depository as majority of the time it is a lot cheaper than the usual book store I buy from.. so at least I can get them for a good price if I can’t get them from a library

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      1. Yes they are more expensive.. at least Book Depository is generally cheaper than our local book chains. And especially with free shipping and the other stores not havering free shipping. Even if in BD a book is a little more expensive it works out cheaper because no shipping cost! 😄

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  11. Wow! You are super busy, honey! But keep plugging away at it. School sounds like it’s super rough right now, but I know you can do it! It’s the final stretch and once you’re done, you’ll be so proud of what you’ve accomplished (you should be now; that’s a lot of work to have gotten this far!).
    I noticed a couple of Holly Black titles up there… A friend of mine’s read Tithe (and really liked it) and Coldest Girl In Cold Town is on my list, so I’ll keep an eye out for reviews! Good luck with your galley lists. I’ve got a ton of RARs and ARCs that I still need to get done, too, so I totally sympathize. But you’ll get it! I have faith. 🙂
    I’m sorry Halloween sucked for you. 😦 That’s always a shame. But it’s done for this year and I hope November’s been treating you better. Glad the tooth’s taken care of.
    Best of luck! I know you’ve got a lot on your plate, but you can totally handle it!

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    1. Thank you! I’m so glad we are friends outside of here too. I’m so glad we met on GR before the blogs! Your words give me more motivation than anyone else’s, tbh. So thank you from the bottom of my heart.
      I wish you could be there when I walk. If I still lived in AZ, I would be making a road trip to hang with you in NM. So glad we are FB friends now, too! 😊😊😊


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