A Quick Pop-In With Some Daily Deals!!

Ok…some of us watch the deals daily, and over the holidays there have been some doozies! I mean, some majorly cheap books! 

And for people like me, who DIDN’T get books for Christmas (I know, what?), these deals are gifts in their own right…for without them, I might not ever get the chance to own them!

So, without further ado, here are the DAILY deals for 12/27…after TODAY, they will be gone!! These books were all nominated for the Goodreads Choice awards, but not all the books from the awards are there.

*All the titles are direct links to the deals…I’m not an “affiliate,” so I get NO MONEY from this. Also, some of these books have been on sale before during the season, and those books are designated with an <*>

Here we go:

Now, these aren’t all the deals…these are just the deals in YA. But that’s my specialty! 

So go and pick up a great deal! 

And…I have a secret deal for you (don’t tell)…I found this on Kobo, but if you’re like me, you have several diff reading apps for just this situation, and as long as you have the app, you don’t need it.

Well, that’s what I wanted to share with you…I will be back to posting normal things later today, but I HAD to share these deals with you. I don’t know if this is US only, but I hope not…for my AUS and UK friends. Heck, I want you to get the deals, too!

So now I’m broke and happy…and it makes up for no books as presents…but I’ll be back to tell you all about some book mail, my cool Christmas “bookish” haul (seeing as how there were no actual books!), and a review for a book called Wanderer.

Happy Reading, y’ll. And I hope this makes up for anyone else whoo didn’t get books under the tree! 😉

33 thoughts on “A Quick Pop-In With Some Daily Deals!!

  1. These are some great deals. I need to check out what’s on the UK Amazon site at the moment because they’re doing some deals on books for one day only and I want to see if anything there catches me eye.
    Have you brought any of these books Stephanie? If not there are a few I would recommend because they are ultimate favourites of mine; the Throne of Glass series, in fact any book on there by Sarah J Maas, and The Girl from Everywhere as well which is an amazing time travel book! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, then I have good taste, lol! I did buy The Girl From Everywhere (this whole time I thought it was contemporary and had no idea what it was about!), ACOMAF, Empire of Storms (I have books 1 and 2 from Amazon deals, and seriously? Who could pass that up?), Salt to the Sea, Iron Cast (I don’t like Kobo as much but Amazon wasn’t putting it on sale), A Gathering of Shadows, A Torch Against the Night, and The Bird and the Sword! I already have Rebel in the Sands, The Serpent King, and Paper Princess (I got that one free as an old e-ARC though it doesn’t have the pretty cover…but that’s how most e-ARCs are!). So I have a TON of books!
      Let me know when the UK sale happens, pls! If you can recall, I have that ability to buy off Amazon.co.uk now, so if there are some smoking deals, I want to take part! This is really the only way for me to receive books besides ARCs (I don’t get to keep library books!)

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      1. You really really do. And oh that’s great to hear about The Girl from Everywhere, definitely not a contemporary but an amazing book and one I really hope you love as well.
        Honestly getting the ToG and ACOTAR books that cheap is definitely a deal you can’t pass up. Same goes for A Gathering of Shadows and A Torch Against the Night.
        Sounds like you’ve got some amazing books, and not only from this deal either. They’re doing a promo type thing on the UK site now, it doesn’t seem to be majorly advertised but it’s somewhere on the homepage (it’s something like 12 Days of Kindle Deals, I think anyway). I hope you manage to find something on there to buy and keep, I like owning books too much to go to the library much anymore! 😀

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    1. Yes, I bought that, too! I forgot to list it because it’s been on sale for awhile! My bad! I can’t resist these kinds of deals….I only buy the ones I want but try to share them all with you! The Forgetting is also on sale for $2.99, and I nabbed that right quick!

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    1. I know, right? There were two I wanted badly and put them exclusively on a list…I think my mom thinks I have “too many books,” though most are second hand or from the library. I don’t own a bookshelf so I have no place to put them. This is why I look for the daily deals: I can own all the Kindle books I want and not get grief. Just sucks not to hold them and look at the pretty covers. Sigh.
      A lot of these deals were for one day only, but some are still going on. NA what you can before they’re off sale! 😉 The Forgetting and My Lady Jane are both still on sale…Iron Cast is still on sale on Kobo. The ones with * next to them have been on sale before or are on sale longer than a day!
      Good luck!
      By the way, I do this bc I know how expensive books are. People have told me to become an Amazon affiliate and as much as I like and need money, I think it would taint my intentions. That’s why I put Kobo on there, too. Most deals on Amazon are also on iBooks, Kobo, and Nook as well. I use the Kindle so that’s why I usually show the Kindle ones. Just wanted you to know! 😘

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      1. Girl Who Reads

        I totally understand!! I have no doubt that your intentions are honest and purely because you want to help people out in getting books for the best price that they can as the price of books really does add up to a large sum!
        Oh, how can one have “too many books”? Its just ludicrous!!
        I didn’t have shelves for ages and it was a thttps://widgets.wp.com/notifications/2751454391#otal mess, so I see the practicality of an e-reader. I thought about getting one a while ago, but I loved the feel of the books—as you do—just too much, haha!

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    2. If I could have my own house, I would def have a dedicated library. It would be Floor to ceiling with a wheelie ladder that helps get to the top shelves. And the door to it would be a hidden door with a bookshelf in front. Same with the reverse. I would be in heaven.
      I do get to look at the pretty covers on my device, and that makes me relatively happy. I’ll also be able to do Bookstagram more bc I just got a Kindle Fire HD8 and the resolution for pics is excellent. The iPad just felt too bulky.
      But for now, I guess I will revel in the ebook sales…and one day I’ll have my imagination library. 🤔😉


      1. I think I have enough to read with ARCs, library, and books I collected. Not sure when I will be able to borrow from your library haha.. But, good to have another choice. Thanks!

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    1. Oh, I mean, say you wanted to read Empire of Storms or ACOMAF, or Rebel of the Sands…I bought them on sale so I can always lend them out! Instead of the library…if you preferred ebook. It lends for two weeks and then comes back.
      The offer stands if it’s something next on your TBR!

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  2. I’m working on a post that celebrates bloggers in this community that have been a support and inspiration to me. I hope for you to participate by letting me know two things. One, is What are you passionate about? Two, is what is your favorite quote? Thank you so much for your comments and wonderful posts!


    1. You were in my spam folder…and I only checked because all my comments seem to be going to other people’s spam folders! So don’t be surprised if you don’t see this. It’s frustrating. Check your spam. Just in case.
      Anyway, I’m honored! What a wonderful thing to be asked! I’d love to participate!
      What am I passionate about? I am passionate about YA literature! I wrote my thesis about it. I find it’s incredibly important to make sure classrooms use it and have access to it, because though “classic” literature is great, sometimes students need to read books that they can identify with, with characters that mirror them. So I’m big on that…that’s why I named my blog TeacherofYA. I try to help as much as I can!
      Second…what is my favorite quote? Hmmm…that’s a tough one. Let me see…
      I think you’re going to think it’s weird…but it’s “The road to Hell is paved with good intentions.” I use this quote all the time. Basically, it means that even though we think we are doing something with good intent behind it, if it’s bad, it’s still bad. For example, you can steal something because you have no money for a gift…and the intent is good, but the act is bad. Hence, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. I say it a lot when people say, “but I meant well.”
      I’m not really judgy, so that’s not why I like that particular quote. Mainly it’s because it reminds me that though I might think I’m doing something good, I really need to weigh the risk against the possible benefits. Ok…I know, weird quote, right?
      Thanks for caring enough to ask and including me! 😊😊😊

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      1. Thank you so much for this! I actually don’t think your quote is weird at all. It is such a true thing that sometimes you may think your intending to do well, but you go about it in a way that is not so good. I think it’s awesome that you wrote your thesis on Ya literature, it is amazing the things that does for the community! I am so ecstatic you are a part of this

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