Long May She Reign – Rhiannon Thomas (Review)

Title: Long May She Reign
Author. Rhiannon Thomas
Publisher: HarperTeen, 2017 (Feb 21)
Genre: YA Fantasy

This review can be found on my BlogTeacherofYA’s Tumblr, or my Goodreads page 

My Review:

Ok. You all know I’m a sucker for a pretty cover. 9 times out of 10 it actually works for me. Really. The wrapper matches the inside and I’m a happy girl. I’m a coverwhore but a lucky one.

This was not one of those times. 

Thank goodness I got this from Overdrive…if I had bought this, I would have been disappointed. (This is why I mainly only buy books that I have read). With limited funds, I must be discretionary with my money.

I had to cleanse myself of the recent contemporary read with some fantasy…and I had really been looking forward to this book. It was so pretty, and it was fantasy, and it was about a princess…and then I started reading. And realized it was a “who dun it” mystery…and I thought…

But let me just tell you about Long May She Reign first before I tirade.

Freya is a scientist. She has no interest in frivolity and when she must attend court for the King’s birthday, she’s reminded why she’s so lucky NOT to be in line for the throne. She’s awkward and says the wrong thing all the time. If it wasn’t for Naomi, her only friend and Partner-In-Crime (her science PIC), she would have no one but her father. Her mother died long ago, and he tries to encourage her simply to fit in.

When Freya has an idea she must try in her lab, she and Naomi run back to Freya’s basement lab to test the theory. She plans go return to the extravagant party, but falls asleep mid-experiment.

When she awakes, her father busts in, surrounded by guards, and informs Freya that she is now Queen. A terrible crime has been committed and everyone before her in line for the throne is dead. 

Freya is now Queen. By default.

But that doesn’t mean Freya is safe.

Whoever killed the King and the others at the party is still at large. Freya is essentially a walking target. Was it an accident putting her on the throne, as she was meant to be at the party? Or was it deliberate? The King’s illegitimate son doesn’t trust her, and either does the King’s best friend…but that also could be a cover, as ANYONE could be a suspect.

Even her own father.

Btw, love this movie!

As Freya tries to expose the person responsible for the multiple deaths, she must deal with suspicious nobles, unhappy peasants, and a fathef who tries to make Freya just like the old queen. 

Are they taunting her when they shout, “Long may she reign?”

Is it Classroom-Appropriate?

I guess it is, as there is material you could use. I came up with a rating system today to clear up different levels of classroom appropriateness, as I’ve always wanted a way to express it simply at the end of my two cents. 

Since I wanted to stick with my POP theme, I decided to make a teacher graphic…and who’s the best Professor of them all?


Thata right, I picked Dumbledore to help make decisions on classroom use of YA books. 

Now, I’ll be using this first for this book, so hold tight. Long May She Reign doesn’t have what seems like a specific era, so there’s no cultural significance. The murder mystery is an interesting angle, if you are into that kind of thing, but I can’t see a use for it in a classroom. Freya’s “queenly” transformation could be a good lesson, as is the different experiments she creates. She discusses the Scientific Method, demonstrates all the processes for testing chemicals, etc. as she tries to find a way to detect poison. But that’s pretty much all that can be extrapolated from the novel. 

So when it comes to classroom appropriateness, I give Long May She Reign:

As in yes, but there are better choices. It could work, but why try when you can find something much better to use? If you’re determined, then there are some avenues listed, but it’s not going to get you far with material.

Age Range

There’s no Lexile score for this book, and there aren’t any instances of steamy moments or swearing. This book is as PG as it gets. I would say as young as 12 as long as they could keep attention on the murder plot, which was even hard for me to do. But it’s definitely a book middle-grade readers could grab and you wouldn’t have to worry about content. The “romance” between Freya and one of the characters involves some kissing. Some very light kissing. That’s it. 

End Result:

I’m not into murder mysteries. The minute I realized what I was reading was mainly all about solving the “who dun it,” and that there would be nothing else for me to focus on, a lost a significant amount of interest in the book. If you LOVE murder mysteries, I would say this would be great for you….but then why read this when you could read a REAL mystery novel? I mean, seriously? I read fantasy for the romance and action and adventure, and Long May She Reign had none of that. Even the ending fell flat. By the time the mystery was solved, I didn’t even care anymore. 

It wasn’t bad, and it wasn’t good, so you know what that means…a big fat “meh” from me and ★★★☆☆. 

Yup. That’s all for that book. Hopefully moving on to something that will lift me up (and I was having such good book luck so far! Dang it!)

Hang tight for my giveaway…it’s coming! There will be more stuff in the meantime, but it should be next Friday, so mark your calendars! (I know you won’t, but I had to say it…give me points for trying, at least!)

What did you think of Long May She Reign? Do you like murder mysteries? Yes, I loved the movie “Clue” btw: awesome 90s movie everyone should see at some point in their lives. 

Off to find a new book! Ta! 

103 thoughts on “Long May She Reign – Rhiannon Thomas (Review)

    1. If you like murder mystery, then you really might like this! It’s not for me…and I was drawn in by the cover, too! It was inevitable that I read it, so I can’t blame you for wanting to give it a try. If you do, I’ll be on the lookout for your review! 😊😉

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I was thinking of you when I read this book.
      I really think it’ll be a mix of mystery and fantasy that you’ll like. It wasn’t who you would guess and it does keep you reading. Freya is a good MC.
      I will be first to read your review! 😍

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! I hope you liked them. I was trying to make a cute but similar system for rating and definitely have a teacher involved. Who is better than Dumbledore (in POP form at least?) Now I have to put it on my blog as a reference.
      Glad you liked the review! It always makes me happy when you comment! 😊

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  1. There is so much here to discuss, Stephanie, lol. XD

    First, OMIGOSH, I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEE CLUE. It’s literally my second favorite movie ever (discounting Disney XD). I internally squealed when I saw your gif.

    Second, LOVING Dumbledore. He is seriously so perfect. I totally didn’t guess it even though it really is the one to make THE most sense. And it works so perfectly.

    Thirdly, this was one of my most anticipated reads this year, and I’m so sad that it fell super flat. I was thinking it was going to be more fantasy and not as much murder mystery, but I’m a bit scared now. It definitely changes the whole feeling of the book, and I’m not entirely sure I’m feeling it as much now. Much sadness. I’ll still give it a try since I do enjoy some murder mysteries, but sadness.

    Fantastic review!!! And lovingggggg Dumbledore!

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    1. Yaya!! This comment is my number one favorite of all time!
      Clue was the best movie! I used to watch it over and over because of the three different endings and I loved how the butler shows how everything happens…one of my faves and I haven’t seen it in so long!!
      I’m so glad you like the Dumbledores! I was nervous bc I didn’t know if people would get it! But you liked it! That makes me so happy and it was worth all the time put into it!
      I’m so sorry about Long May She Reign. It was one of my most anticipated reads too. I requested it on Edelweiss, got denied. Waited for it to come out on Overdrive and waited on the list. When I got my hands on it, it was only available as an ePub to read in the Overdrive App. It was all kinds of frustrating. And I was a blank slate after that contemporary so anything should have made me happy as long as it was fantasy. (So that should tell you something)…it might be liked by others more but I found it anti-climactic and severely lacking in the romance dept!
      I hope it works out for you…but you should know I have low expectations in the fantasy dept, so it was mainly those two factors that kept it from being a liked book! 🙁


  2. Great review! And yesssss, Dumbledore! Woo!!
    I’m honestly a murder mystery person, by the way. I would attend one of those murder mystery dinners where the suspects are actually just actors in the audience (I would eye everybody there), and I would play Clue all day because I’m always so close- like so close- to winning (it’s all about counting cards they ask, not just what they show you). So this might be a book for me! Or maybe I should just stick to Agatha Christie… (she’s amazing by the way).
    I finally watched the Rainbow Brite theme song and I was going “Yup, this is the 90s” the entire 15 seconds. Next thing I’ll know, and your new theme song is the “Snape Snape Severus Snape Dumbledore!” music mash-up! I love that; it’s really catchy!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I honestly have ever heard that mashup! And Rainbow is circa 1983! She was born the same year as me. So she’s also my age. Love her forever! And I can sing that theme song. “Rainbow Brite, see her shining light,” and keep going lol!
      Really glad you checked it out though.
      I’ve never played the board game Clue. But if you want to see one of the funniest movies of all time, you NEED to see Clue. (And I need to play it at some point in time).
      Now I’m going to have to look into this “mashup” you spoke of!!

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  3. Pingback: Sunshine Blogger Award #3 – Also I want your opinions! – DuskAngelReads

    1. Well, when I looked for images, a bunch came up! So I’m guessing the show might be something I’d want to watch! I’ll have to find out more about it!
      And yes, if I were you, I would stick to a reg mystery bc you’d prob figure this one out right away with all the experience you have in the genre! 😉

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  4. This read sounds interesting! Although I am not super into mystery I like to epxand myself into different genres even if they are mixed with ones that I like (Fantasy and Sci-Fi) I think the gifs you used really upped the ante hehehehe. It’s too bad you didn’t love it, I’ve been looking forward to it for a while! Still, this is a lovely review as usual!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you!
      I love adding some reactions from time to time! 😂
      Definitely thought I would love it…I think I’m just more into the romance and action in epic fantasy (like Kiss of Deception or The Shadow Queen) but it’s a tragic thing bc the cover is a real beauty.
      But if you’re open to trying something new, this is definitely different than most fantasy I’ve read…there’s not much of a magical element so it’s really not very fantasy-ish. It’s more of a murder mystery with royals I guess. 🤔

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  5. Nice post! Very entertaining and I love the little Dumbledore rating system. 😛 Also, the term “coverwhore” was perfect. lol I too have been guilty of this on more than one occasion.


    1. Well, let us coverwhores unite! No shame here!
      I’m glad you liked my Dumbledores because they took a LONG TIME to make! Makes it all worthwhile though in the end when people like it!
      Glad I could entertain bc honestly, that’s really what I aim to do! Yay! So glad I could spread some fun around! 😊

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  6. I haven’t read this one yet but the cover absolutely pulled me in! It’s GORGEOUS. Too bad the story didn’t do it for you… I think it probably wouldn’t do it for me either, especially if I went in not knowing that it would be a mystery novel and was expecting something completely different. Talk about disappointment!
    Still, great review, Stephanie 🙂 It’s always nice knowing what I’m getting out of a story and you always make sure to include that bit of info in your posts.
    I hope you find something more suitable soon!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey at least I gave it a try! And every book does have something to take away from it. This one definitely did.
      I think if I knew going in, I might have been more prepared…but without knowing I was a little let down. (I still think it makes great eye candy btw! It’s so gorgeous!)
      I’m glad you liked the review! That’s what matters the most to me! 😘😉


  7. I’m sorry Stephanie. I wasn’t thinking clearly. I apologize for my ignorance. The person that should be embarrassed is me actually because Fadwa said I was wrong to think that way. I’m still figuring out WordPress and I’m no expert. I shouldn’t said that when I don’t know. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. We went through so much together reading and blogging and figuring out how to obtain physical ARCs. I’m heartbroken to lose you as a friend.


  8. I love that we have the same rating for this book. I know you prefer fantasy reads and when I read this book, I wonder why the genre is not mystery thriller. I’m glad we both recognize the same thing. Love your new graphics and great review Stephanie!


  9. Lovely review, and that cover looks GREAT! Too bad you weren’t as convinced with the inside. I’m not too into the murder mysteries kind of thing lately, so I think I’ll pass. Thank you for this review – also, love your new rating system ahah 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. (Yes!! She loves my Rating System!!)
      That makes me so happy!
      Yeah. Unless you want to read a fantasy with virtually no fantasy in it, this one is not for you! (or for me!)
      Too bad when the cover is so gorgeous…sigh. 😔

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  10. To shake things up a bit- who the heck is Dumbledore? 😀 hahaha… I like what you did with creating the classroom appropriatness (is this a word?) rating! Love it, you’re just awesome at this!

    I also love how you start majority of your reviews off with how much you love the cover(s) 😀 I always epxect a little gushing from you in terms of prettiness and you always deliver! 😉

    Great review, as always, but sorry the book didn’t deliver for you. the ‘who dunit’ isn’t generally my thing either unless it’s completely suspenseful and thrilling! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Exactly! I’m not into that aspect unless it’s on TV or I signed on for it…and I definitely did not sign on for it in this book. I was sad. It wasn’t even fantasy!
      I’m glad you love my cover drooling moments 🤤 cause I just can’t help myself! 😍😍😍
      Who’s Dumbledore…for a second you had me, you really did! I was going to take my imaginary book (since I don’t have one in my hands) and throw it at your head! You nerd and your shenanigans!!

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      1. Hahahaha… well, honestly though, I know nothing about Dumbledore… literally, I just had to Google the character to get an idea of him! Never read HP you see… 😀 😀 😀 *it’s OK, you can throw the book at me now!* 😀

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    2. ::throws book::
      You haven’t even seen the movies?? I haven’t read all the books and I’m going back and reading them now, but seriously? Uh uh! ::snaps fingers::
      (Mumbles “doesn’t know who Dumbledore is…even I know who Dumbledore is…”)
      Ok you’re forgiven! Now you know!!
      And knowing is half the battle! (GI Joe reference) <—I expect you to know GI Joe or it's all over! 😏

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      1. hahahaha 😀 nope, haven’t seen the movies either… ah, to be honest, i just have no interest, or time to fit them in?! I could make time, but I’m not that interested to shuffle my other books into the background 😀 but yeah… half the battle! 🙂 At least I know who GI Joe is! 😀

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    3. Sorry! I picked up the closest book to me: how was I supposed to know War & Peace would be so heavy!
      😂😂🤣😂😂 (like I’d ever read that!)
      Yes. I’m totally forgiving of no time/no wish to read or watch. But…I will say this: I have never met ONE single person who read the book or watched the movie and said it was a waste of time…SO…There it is. ::drops mic:: 🎤
      Oh, wait, I need that. ::picks mic up::

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      1. Yep, you got it straight ☺😊 ah, not that fun inside my head… more like dull, boring and panicky! 😂 but that’s why I hang with you here… you’re the fun to my serious! 😎😉

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    4. Ok. You just blew my mind.
      It’s a US THING??
      I thought pb&j was a thing everywhere! What do you guys eat? Peanut butter and honey? Just peanut butter? Do you even eat peanut butter?
      You’re shattering my world, mama.

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      1. 😀 PB is definitely a thing everywhere but PB and Jelly? not too sure…
        as for myself, I haven’t eaten PB since I was, like, 10 y/o 😀 but when I did it was just bread and PB, occasionally some banana on top…

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    5. Ok, whew. PB and banana are amazing together. I used to do PB, banana, and honey. Most fattening thing in the world but I was a kid. Do you guys out there make Fluffernutters? PB and marshmallow cream. Mmmmm.
      This is making me hungry.

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      1. Can’t say I’ve heard about Flutternutters… let me google it 😀 ….. oh wow! never had one, I think I’d have a coronary after eating one of those and a serious toothache 😀 hahaha… yeah, can’t say I’ve come across marshmallow cream, like ever… but it is making me hungry, too… for something salty, however… I’m a salty kind of girl mostly 😀

        Liked by 1 person

    6. I could tell you were salty! (Check slang: salty) 😂🤣
      Yeah it’s def a kid’s food. I haven’t had one in years! But marshmallow cream is great for baking too.
      I have a jar of Vegemite that I’d be willing to try if I could get someone to try something American that people think is gross…but honestly, we have all the best foods in the world. 😂👍

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    7. Yes’m…pretty much ANYTHING deep fried comes from us, the most obese country in the world! 😂😂🤣🤣😂
      Ppl will deep fry anything here. I haven’t had one but they sell them at carnivals. That and deep fried Twinkies. Haven’t had those either. But they all sound deliciously evil.

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      1. Ha, I’ve yet to try a deep fried Mars bar myself… not rushing though because I rather eat a Snickers than Mars 😀 talking about deep fried, I wouldn’t mind a decent portion of french fries and onion rings though… ah… damnit, with garlic mayo and sweet chilli sauce… *drooling* …

        Vegetables for dinner it is! 😀 😀 😀

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    8. Ooh, you ARE salty!
      I’m not one for sauces…now fries 🍟 are awesome…but I prefer salt and maybe some ketchup at most. I’m a plain burger 🍔 girl too…just give me patties, cheese, and buns and I’m happy! ::runs to McDs bc emojis look like their food::

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  11. Great review for this book Stephanie, although I’m sorry this one wasn’t maybe what you hoped when you picked it up. I guess if you were looking for fantasy and ended up with a murder mystery it doesn’t really matter how good it was part of you was always going to be a little disappointed right? Still at least you did get this book for free. 🙂
    I still have this one on my to-read list, I guess now I know what to expect going into it, either way it will likely be a little while before I do get around to this one.
    Also I love your new classroom rating system. Dumbledore is definitely the best choice for school related ratings! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes! Dumbledore is the best professor I could think of (in POP form)!
      Yeah, if I had known about the mystery aspect I probably would have still read it bc I’m stubborn and I think I’ll like everything. It’s my ultimate undoing. I do like a lot of things, so I’m always surprised when I’m not raving at the end of the book!
      Oh well…at least it was free (yep I agree with you there) and it was going to be read eventually…So now it’s out of the way and I can move on! Time for some Gilded Cage love!

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      1. He’s the best one I could think of as well, in POP form and otherwise!
        I guess if you’d have expected it you would have been prepared for the story almost, and maybe it wouldn’t have been as disappointing.
        Ohh I hope you enjoy Gilded Cage a lot more in that case, that’s a favourite book of mine so I can’t wait to see what you think of it Stephanie! 😀

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  12. Oh wow! I had originally looked at this one and do not believe that it was what I was expecting at all now! I am sorry that this was a miss, but on the plus side your new rating system is amazing. Totally agree with the Dumbledore and keeping the PoP theme (it is sort of your trademark at this point!) ❤

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    1. Yay! I have a trademark!! I’ve always wanted one!! I saw blogs with cute little icons and ratings and I wanted to make one that would stick…I never realized it would work so well! I am thrilled beyond belief!
      I know: I was so disappointed that it wasn’t what I was thinking. It was an easy read and for someone who’s into that sort of thing they’ll probably love it, but it SO wasn’t for me. Well, dust ourselves off and move on, right? 😉🤞

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  13. Okay, I LOVE the Dumbledore rating system. That is fantastic! LOL. We’ve already chatted a LITTLE bit about this one. I’m sorry you didn’t enjoy it as much as you wanted. I do like mystery novels, so I think I’d like this one, but I definitely am glad that when I read it, I’ll know what to expect going in. It can be disappointing to expect one thing out of a book and get something completely different, no matter how good the book is. Great review!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So true! At least you’ll be prepared! That’s all you can do when going into a book!
      The other thing to know about this is that it’s really not very fantasy-ish. The more I think about it, the more I realize the category doesn’t really fit. No magic or anything like that…just the royalty and setting.
      I’m so glad you love the rating system bc it was hard work, and I’m so glad it was worth it in the end! Yay! 😘

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    1. Nope they cannot!
      Thank your lucky stars! I did the same thing on Edelweiss and was bummmed I didn’t get it…but I still wanted to read it and I waited through Overdrive for it. I should have seen the signs! 😂😂😂
      I just recommend that you stay away unless you want to read a fantasy with no fantasy and all mystery blech!


    1. Me too! And who knows, you may love it!
      I’m eager to see what you think as maybe it was just me: but there’s not a lot of fantasy like you would think and there’s not as much romance as I would have liked…but I’m so excited to see another opinion about this book! Especially from someone I follow!

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  14. I love your classroom appropriate rating scale, Stephanie!! 😂😂 The fact that you’re using Dumbledore is so perfect!
    I’ve heard quite a bit of mixed things about this book. Especially over the fact that it’s marketed as fantasy but is really just a murder mystery disguised as fantasy and isn’t what people expect it to be. I don’t mind murder mysteries but I like watching them more than reading them. So, yeah, I’m thinking I’ll end up passing on this one. Either way, fantastic review as always!! 💕😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you and I’m glad you love my Dumbledores!! So worth the time I put into making it!
      Yes….they should have marketed this way differently. I was disappointed as I am NOT a mystery reader. I would probably still have read it, because I’m a coverslut, but then it would be my own fault! Lol!
      Yes, please skip this. I really don’t want you to waste your time. 😘😘😘

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      1. It’s never fun when you go into a book expecting one thing and then get something completely different. Which is why I’m glad I read reviews of this one! Lol the cover definitely had me intrigued before I read reviews. I probably would have picked it up just because of that if I hadn’t, pretty covers can be too hard to resist. 😂😂🙈

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    1. Don’t worry, I’m the same way. I always have to know for myself. I read Stealing Snow despite all the negative book reviews and I was like, “oh, this IS bad.” But I read it for me. I’m eager to know what you think!
      Thank you! 😊

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  15. Christy Luis

    Murder mystery eh? Not what I would have expected from that cover! I like some mysteries, and though I haven’t quite pinpointed the subgenres I like…I’ve never even heard of a “high fantasy mystery”! Lol. Well thanks for the review, Steph. I hope you enjoy your next read more, although I know you’re not having much luck with Gilded Cage 😦

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    1. Yes, you’re right. And I wouldn’t even call this book fantasy. If there wasn’t royalty, it would be any other book with a murder mystery. I’m glad it leaves my memory more each day. It really did not stand out.
      I feel like I’m just about to get somewhere in Gilded Cage and I’m at 80%! That doesn’t leave much room and I’m sure that’s because of the sequel…sigh.

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      1. Christy Luis

        Drat, after wading through all that, you have to wait for the sequel to get to any action. Lol ugh! Frustrating!! Well, it’s a debut, so hopefully book two will be better for you, if you decide to read it!

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  16. I’m not one for murder mysteries either… I can appreciate when they are apart of the plot, but not the main focus, if that makes sense? Sorry the insides of the book didn’t match the beautiful cover. Those are always the worst disappointments lol

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yay!! I’m glad you like it.
        Yes, when the cover and the story don’t mesh, I feel like I’ve been lied to lol. I wish it had been better bc I had high expectations. But I guess there’s not much I can do about that except try to be pickier in my reading selections. It’s hard though when you see a cover that looks like THAT!

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  17. Awesome review Steph! I’m a sucker for pretty covers, too, and sometime that really gets me into trouble LOL, but most times it works out. This cover is gorgeous! But I’m sorry that it was a bit disappointing to you! If you think about it, the combo of fantasy and murder mystery is kind of strange. I actually love murder mysteries, but the dark gritty ones that might keep you up at night haha. So, not sure how this one would work out but I think I might like to give it a go! Hopefully your next read is far more enjoyable to you! ❤ Again, fabulous review as always 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you. That means a lot to me!
      This one…if I had known about the mystery aspect then maybe I would have felt better going in…but I think my biggest pet peeve was the lack of romance and the lack of my idea of fantasy: magic, action, adventure. It felt like a historical fiction with a heavy emphasis on mystery. Just not my kind…but I do hope it’s yours!! I’m always hoping someone will like a book I don’t…bc it just means if wasn’t for me!

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      1. I can imagine that being disappointing. I read my fantasy for the same exact reasons: romance, action, adventure, and of course, magic. Maybe dragons, too. So the extra murder mystery aspect would be really surprising. And that’s a really positive way of looking at it ❤ 😀

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  18. Tooootally agree, I never guessed that this was going to be a murder mystery AT ALL. I mean the cover SCREAMS fantasy, right? This what happens when I don’t read synopses (which is all the time 😉 ) I didn’t hate it or anything, but I didn’t love it either. The beginning seemed SO highly implausible that it was a little hard for me to get past. But I mean, I read it on a plane, so I think I just liked it better than… staring out the window of a plane 😉 Great review!


    1. Thank you! I guess I would like it better than staring at a plane, too. But that’s about it, huh?
      I never read synopses either. I look at the cover and read maybe two sentences and go, “I MUST HAVE THIS BOOK NOW!” I seriously have no idea what Flame in the Mist is about, but I know I HAVE to read it, so thank goodness I have an ecopy. Same with all the books like that.
      Lately, I’ve noticed that my indie books are BETTER than the big pubbed books! The last one I read, Winter Falls (where someone actually pointed out that the cover looked like a Lifetime movie ad), was way better than Stealing Snow. I’m starting to get a little jaded over here!
      Glad you could stop by and I am glad you felt the same way.,.bc honestly? People are saying they liked it, and I’m over here in my corner, going “meh” all by myself. Lol. 😂


    1. Yeah, it’s essentially a murder mystery. I didn’t like it. I like my fantasy to actually HAVE fantasy! 😂
      The only fantasy elements were the fact that the main character was a princess and the kingdom “world” was different than the one we live in. Blech.

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      1. onebookishgirl

        Ugh, no! That’s pretty shitty.
        Like if you’re going to have fantasy, actually make it fantasy!!! The synopsis made it sound really good 😒

        Liked by 1 person

    2. I know. I fell for that and the pretty cover.
      But, it’s a good murder mystery I guess…if you like that kind of thing. It would get interesting, and then she would be like, “he’s the murderer, no he’s the murderer” and at the end I wish I was the murderer! I wanted to kill them all! 😂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. onebookishgirl

        Oh so she’s not even good at figuring out who it is.
        The cover is just so gorgeous 😍 really depressing that it’s not an awesome fantasy story.

        Liked by 1 person

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